

1、If so, consider tutoring.『4words』

2、She does tutoring too.『4words』

3、I am tutoring in French.『5words』

4、What about tutoring high school kids?『6words』

5、The boy is tutoring in arithmetic.『6words』



6、Have you been to the tutoring center?『7words』

7、You can get tutoring in a lot of subjects.『9words』

8、 Her work was divided between tutoring and research.『9words』

9、Team building, tutoring skills, discipleship training and vision sharing.『9words』

10、This can mean lessons, tutoring, camps and sports practices.『9words』



11、Now I want to start doing tutoring work independently.『9words』

12、Online tutoring costs between twenty and twenty-five dollars an hour.『10words』

13、I have been working at the campus tutoring center as a math tutor.『13words』

14、Most parents spend a lot of time tutoring new schooler of the family.『13words』

15、Private tutoring like this, at this level of quality and expertise costs a fortune!『14words』

16、I appreciate for all you tutoring and sharing your golden experience in my teen age.『15words』

17、The model of teaching quality estimate about tutoring and learning of two-way model of distance-open education;『16words』

18、She began volunteering more of her time at the Club, tutoring younger children and organizing community service projects.『18words』

19、There are quite a number of new methods which can help, such as child-initiated learning, ability-peer tutoring, etc.『18words』

20、Multifarious relation and reasoning rule of Domain-specific Ontology provided theory elements for learning navigation of Intelligent tutoring systems.『18words』



21、But, in the years that followed, her sustained tutoring suggested that Kafka might be wrong about the solitude.『18words』

22、When the number of students in a class is much too big, one-to-one or one-to-several tutoring is simply impossible.『19words』

23、Home tutoring was common in the families of the nobility and wealthy, and bullying and corporal punishment were common at the best independent schools.『24words』

24、Conclusion That the tutors compete for tutoring position satisfies the requirement of the contemporary era and improves the quality of tutorship and learning quality.『24words』

25、Such services tend to start small and cheap, targeting a sector of the market that established players don't care much about-like tutoring in introductory courses.『25words』

26、Some of this work provides only a free meal and fee but others, such as tutoring or selling Grandma's diamond broach, could be quite lucrative.『25words』

27、Alexander also has daily counseling sessions with Rae, where they discuss his long-term goals, and even work on a plan for a tutoring business he hopes to start.『28words』

28、Studies have shown that human one-on-one tutoring improves learning by as much as two standard deviations - we want to know how can you try to approximate that with robotic tutoring.『31words』

29、That's what so many of you have already done during your time here at ASU, tutoring children, registering voters, doing your own small part to fight hunger and homelessness, AIDS and cancer.『32words』

30、 The day of tutoring is extremely sad. Two people huddled in a bed, flashed a flashlight, and the dim light of the torch fell on the pages of books with dense formulas, making people dizzy.『36words』

