

1、Most bats navigate by echolocation.『5words』

2、navigate up [down] a river『5words』

3、navigate the tanker round the Cape『6words』

4、Perhaps they navigate by the night sky.『7words』

5、Such boats can navigate on the Hudson.『7words』



6、F3 to navigate to the next match.『7words』

7、Relationship methods: navigate the containment relations among objects.『8words』

8、Click Browse, and navigate to your COBOL file.『8words』

9、He was the first man to navigate the Atlantic alone.『10words』

10、Here are some tips to help navigate the collaboration process.『10words』



11、We next had to navigate a complex network of committees.『10words』

12、Maybe they can navigate through their competing policy priorities and interests.『11words』

13、You can click one of the breadcrumbs to navigate back to that level.『13words』

14、The 87-year-old lock is undersized, and vessels can wait 36 hours to navigate it.『14words』

15、Recently she helped her husband navigate the tricky path between IMF director and Socialist Party campaigner.『16words』

16、There is accumulating evidence indicating that birds navigate by using a wide variety of environmental cues.『16words』

17、Many species perceive and use electromagnetic fields that are imperceptible to humans to navigate or find prey.『17words』

18、For whale species that depend on an echolocation system to navigate, this kind of beach spells disaster.『17words』

19、How could a bird navigate by the Sun when some of us lose our way with road maps?『18words』

20、If it's going to navigate, it needs those sounds to be broadcast and bounced back from objects in its path.『20words』



21、You could strap one on to help you navigate a mountain trail or the paintings in a famous art museum.『20words』

22、The outlet helps "businesses navigate the social web" and in the process allows employees to navigate their own slate of personal circumstances.『22words』

23、The music service "This Is My Jam" helps people navigate the tens of millions of tracks now available instantly via Spotify and iTunes.『23words』

24、They try to develop their skills through close supervision and organized activities, and teach children to question authority figures and navigate elite institutions.『23words』

25、In the same way that sailors navigate by reference to shorelines or stars, users navigate by reference to persistent objects placed in a user interface.『25words』

26、Together, they'll navigate the highs and lows of Hollywood's fast lane, where the stakes are higher, and the money and temptations greater, than ever before.『25words』

27、The ability to navigate and filter the return set from a repository search is directly influenced by the selection of terms familiar to the end users.『26words』

28、When this is complete, navigate to the 'BOOTLOADER' and then 'RECOVERY' option on the menu, using the volume buttons to move and the power button to select.『27words』

29、Many studies suggest that men are more likely to navigate by estimating distance in space and orientation(“ dead reckoning”), whereas women are more likely to navigate by monitoring landmarks.『29words』

30、Fortunately, you do not have to read the XML schema documents themselves to navigate the model; NIEM provides tools to search and navigate the model in a more graphical fashion.『30words』

