


2、a large rambling country estate.『5words』

3、I like rambling around in the country.『7words』

4、What is she rambling on about now?『7words』

5、We spent the summer rambling in Ireland.『7words』



6、evergreen rambling yellow-flowered shrub of western China.『7words』

7、Prune rambling roses when the flowers have faded.『8words』

8、His actions were accompanied by a rambling monologue.『8words』

9、Vague and rambling observations were made in reply.『8words』

10、Be not . . . rambling in thought (Marcus Aurelius).『10words』



11、go, come, or spread in a rambling or irregular way.『10words』

12、By my rambling digression, I perceive myself to be grown old.『11words』

13、Given to excessive and often trivial or rambling talk; tiresomely talkative.『11words』

14、--And those who spoke in the discussion that followed were rambling and incoherent.『13words』

15、I followed her through the stalls and listened to her rambling about her shopping experience.『15words』

16、Performers can imitate a horse rambling on the prairie or two horses competing with each other.『16words』

17、But, tired of playing, he had desultorily come round the fence, and was rambling up behind her.『17words』

18、Don't make them struggle to get answers out of you or make sense of your rambling replies.『17words』

19、He had become the precise opposite of the rambling scatter shooter I had met in his office.『17words』

20、They go rambling over the world as if pursued by some mysterious fate they cannot possibly elude '.『18words』



21、A rambling note wastes the hiring manager's time, and it can suggest that you lack the confidence of conciseness.『19words』

22、In 1337, Petrarch began work on his rambling writing De Viris Illustribus—On Famous Men, highlighting the virtus (or virtue) of classical heroes.『22words』

23、He writes what has been dubbed as his own blog: occasional, often rambling opinion pieces which are dutifully published in the state media.『23words』

24、Go to a supermarket rambling however, you seldom discover however can one pair is in aptly spousal the appropriate and bridal shoe in the sky.『25words』

25、When Li Hongzhang and Huaijun first arrived in Shanghai, the local gentry were very disappointed because of their shabby clothes, free and rambling, and abusive language.『26words』

26、However, she'll suit this house so much the better for not being over nice, and I'll take care she does not disgrace me by rambling abroad. '.『27words』

27、Anyone who takes life advice from those columns of hers needs to have their head examined stat... there is nothing poignant, thought-provoking or even educational in her rambling.『28words』

28、Luckily, there's no need to shut out those who truly care about you, but rambling on about the miniscule details of your life won't make anyone feel any better now.『30words』

29、I'd cycled down to the village's small beach, where a herd of cows were rambling among laid-up fishing boats, grazing on the sparse grass that poked up through the sand.『30words』

30、Loved by locals for horseback riding and rambling walks, this picturesque setting, one British builder now thinks, is also ideal for something else - a new U.S.-style subdivision of 170 tract houses.『32words』

