

1、The tooth is badly decayed.『5words』

2、The death life has decayed.『5words』

3、A dentist fills decayed teeth.『5words』

4、Dry, decayed wood, used as tinder.『6words』

5、This big one is badly decayed.『6words』



6、The warning of a decayed string『6words』

7、The orbit of a space satellite decayed.『7words』

8、had decayed many centuries before archaeologists arrived.『7words』

9、The Turkish Empire decayed in the nineteenth century.『8words』

10、Spain's power decayed after her Armada was destroyed.『8words』



11、To become decayed and have a foul odor.『8words』

12、That tooth is decayed and should be pulled out.『9words』

13、Survey of prevalence of decayed teeth in 1186 children in Changjiang County『12words』

14、It's just that once was generated from split Uranium, it decayed very quickly.『13words』

15、Therefore, if that ever had been present on Earth, it would have decayed ages ago.『15words』

16、1.rotten wood; dead wood; a decayed tree; 2.[Figurative] something unsalvageable; a good-for-nothing; a hopeless case『15words』

17、When the door plate decayed, the upper part of the package angle component will stay inside.『16words』

18、Assuming that the amount of spin had not decayed too much, then the drag coefficient increased.『16words』

19、A swamp or bog formed by an accumulation of sphagnum moss, leaves, and decayed matter resembling peat.『17words』

20、The skeleton has long been fragmented and decayed, with only some vertebrae, ribs, toes and several incomplete teeth remaining.『19words』



21、 The wreckage of decayed bones in the sunshine is not terrible, because exotic treasures make everything around them shine.『20words』

22、This tooth has decayed quite badly. So I think it will relieve you a lot if I remove the tooth.『20words』

23、“a decayed house of grey stone, with a poverty-stricken aspect, but retaining a half-obliterated shield of arms over the portal, in token of antique gentility."『25words』

24、Ugliness becomes the core of artistic statement, however, judging ugliness in Western modern art has been regarded as the degeneration and decayed taste of Western bourgeoisie.『26words』

25、Old trees have decayed and new trees sprung up, the fruit has rotted away in a thick layer on the ground, with nobody to gather it.『26words』

26、And Judah said, the strength of the bearers of burdens is decayed, and [there is] much rubbish; so that we are not able to build the wall.『27words』

27、That is why traditionally, workers use ultraviolet light - and when the essential oils of the decayed citrus rind react with UV rays, the fruits emit fluorescence.『27words』

28、The main switches will connect supply input with output in 1x mode until the output voltage has decayed to less than or equal to the voltage at the supply input.『30words』

29、If the body has only partially decayed, it is reburied in a smaller cheaper grave, but not for long, the body will be dug up again some time later when it has fully decayed.『34words』

30、The observation period lasted 22 months. The application of ASF at the decayed labial and proximal surfaces of the deciduous teeth showed satisfactory results and indicated high caries reduction rate (above 84%). The decayed surface became,black,hard and shining.『38words』

