1、immobile displacing-phase saturation『3words』
2、He is not immobile.『4words』
3、It was glassy, expressionless, immobile.『5words』
4、search for an immobile hider『5words』
5、The man remained immobile as before.『6words』
6、The tongue can become immobile too.『6words』
7、She stood immobile by the window.『6words』
8、Llewellyn: Yeah, well, I've been immobile.『6words』
9、His illness has left him completely immobile.『7words』
10、remain in place; hold still; remain fixed or immobile.『9words』
11、He stood, immobile, his hands loosely by his sides.『9words』
12、To engage and interlock securely so as to be immobile.『10words』
13、He hesitated for some moments, with a strangely immobile smile upon his face.『13words』
14、We remain immobile for long periods of time in plane, train or car seats.『14words』
15、Further casualties have been heavy, and we have lost the majority of our immobile guns.『15words』
16、During REM sleep, dream activity ramps up and the voluntary muscles ofthe body become immobile.『15words』
17、The man stared at him, perfectly immobile except for the glint in his ghostly eyes.『15words』
18、Many members of the immobile class, on the other hand, live in the America of the gloomy headlines.『18words』
19、Water does not remain immobile in an aquifer but can seep out at springs or leak into other aquifers.『19words』
20、Additionally, they did not explore the possibility that the larger, and thus more immobile, people become, the more they drive.『20words』
21、Men of practice are immobile, not chasing, not stubborn in the process of change, which embodies more calmness and tranquility.『20words』
22、It is not capable of comprehension and therefore is endless and limitless, and to that extent infinite and indeterminable, and consequently immobile.『22words』
23、 Well water immersed in thirsty soil ridges and ditches, soil ridges and ditches seepage water, water head seems to be immobile.『22words』
24、There is currently no cure - half of all sufferers will die, immobile and unable to communicate, within 14 months of diagnosis.『22words』
25、On examination the tumor may have the following characteristics: painless nodule, shiny and waxy, indurated, firm and immobile, pearly, rolled border, and small telangiectatic vessels.『25words』
26、Actual evapotranspiration is a significant variable in the water balance calculation. It links daily rainfall, irrigation amount and soil bypass flow to calculate an immobile water deficit.『27words』
27、The study showed that plane, train, bus or automobile passengers are at higher risk of VTE when they remain seated and immobile on journeys of more than four hours.『29words』
28、However, the study points out that even with this increased risk, the absolute risk of developing VTE, if seated and immobile for more than four hours, remains relatively low at about 1 in 6000.『34words』
29、 Therefore, it is as fast as wind, as slow as forest, as immobile as mountain, as vague as yin, as thunderous as vibration, and as fire as invasion, which is the way to win.『35words』
30、with his rather full eyes, and the strong queerly-arched Brows, the immobile, compressed mouth; that momentary But revealed immobility, an immobility, a timelessness which the Buddha aims at, and which Negroes express sometimes without ever aiming at it;『38words』