even worse造句,用even worse怎么造句子(30句)

even worse造句,用even worse怎么造句子

1、Netbooks are even worse.『4words』

2、It gets even worse.『4words』

3、It could be even worse.『5words』

4、Cairo might be even worse.『5words』

5、Ouch! That hurt even worse『5words』

even worse造句,用even worse怎么造句子(30句)

even worse造句,用even worse怎么造句子

6、Underwater, the situation is even worse.『6words』

7、But it's even worse than we thought.『7words』

8、The situation in Michigan is even worse.『7words』

9、Our current bathtubs are even worse. Kira said.『8words』

10、It's even worse if you have a balcony.『8words』

even worse造句,用even worse怎么造句子(30句)

even worse造句,用even worse怎么造句子

11、From some angles, the picture is even worse.『8words』

12、Among transgender people of color, the Numbers are even worse.『10words』

13、It even will allow me to a certain extent lost even worse.『12words』

14、Sometimes they say things that make the grieving parents feel even worse.『12words』

15、But from a legal viewpoint, Mr. Obama is setting an even worse precedent.『13words』

16、And now that they think they are top dogs they are even worse.『13words』

17、What was even worse: the designers of the site had no clue there was even a problem.『17words』

18、When the essayists were later praised for their sympathy, they felt even worse about what they had written.『18words』

19、The Carling Cup Final was a little bit worse, training after that and playing at Portsmouth was even worse.『19words』

20、Not getting paid because of poor quality is one thing, what you leave behind can be an even worse experience.『20words』

even worse造句,用even worse怎么造句子(30句)

even worse造句,用even worse怎么造句子

21、At least the US still produces commodities; Europe is in an even worse position, as this week's column will argue.『20words』

22、Never mind not eating! On the contrary, it's getting worse and worse! But the smile on his face was even worse.『21words』

23、Halls with circular plan or domed ceiling are apt to significant acoustic defects; and, it is even worse in hemi-spherical halls.『21words』

24、Minshull, it transpires, has even worse sight than me and i-GO lenses cannot correct short-sightedness worse than -5.0 (Mine hovers at -4.0).『22words』

25、Indeed, I believe that things are even worse: as long as aggregate demand remains low, we cannot even tell which pieces are right side up.『25words』

26、Second, the terrain made the earthquake even more serious, thus the mountain areas were severely stricken. Secondary disasters that occurred frequently made the situation even worse.『26words』

27、For now, he can keep on borrowing money, but since he can't even pay the interest on the loans he already has, it just makes his inevitable bankruptcy even worse.『30words』

28、I wanted a happy ending, and even though things got even worse from that point on for her, I believe what the film believes: that the good and strength in people doesn't always prevail, but it can.『37words』

29、From this is born there is not also, by a provision of suffering while you can not do so, the actual occurrence is seeking is even worse than the living, the evil is even worse than the dead.『38words』

30、Lets just say that the CGI made it even worse ( if thats even possible ) I have absolutely no idea, how this film got made, but from one Chinese movie fan, to another, please, dont waste your time.『39words』

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