

1、有一张看不见的网覆盖了整个世界,自己也被排在了某一个角落里,想到这样的状况我觉得非常不爽。 我不明白什么是绝对的正确。这里本来就是世界的一个角落,每天有些超越常理的事情发生才比较适合,而且也很有趣。『2words』

2、He didn't intend any sarcasm.『5words』

3、He seemed to intend no harm.『6words』

4、I don't intend starting next week.『6words』

5、Perhaps they intend to assassinate me.『6words』



6、Five of us intend to go along『7words』

7、Focus on what you intend to manifest.『7words』

8、Do you intend to open a savings account?『8words』

9、The government does not intend to prop up declining industries.『10words』

10、I intend to use simultaneous recording to dub this film.『10words』



11、Do you intend to continue porting future versions of SQLite?『10words』

12、They intend to bring their complaints out into the open.『10words』

13、Does China intend to play any role in the Middle East Peace Process?『13words』

14、If you intend to verify the software's integrity, you should download the signature file.『14words』

15、I intend to frugally, so I used to match my clothes in different styles.『14words』

16、Over coming weeks I intend to find out how many others can go along with them.『16words』

17、We intend to make the crucial environmental issues the subject of widespread and well informed public debate.『17words』

18、The cognitive mechanisms hidden behind the meaning extension, namely, the metaphorical and metonymic thinking, are intend to explore.『18words』

19、I do not intend to have my professional reputation compromised by the slackness of a few temporary officers.『18words』

20、Because we intend to avoid assaulting through the deadly zone, we must instead induce the enemy to move.『18words』



21、Do not intend to come back, do not intend to forget, so that you live in the heart forever.『19words』

22、It sums up not what I intend to offer the American people, but what I intend to ask of them.『20words』

23、FDA said, companies that intend to market nicotine water should submit a new drug application to the agency for review.『20words』

24、Communicators intend to use vague language subjectively and regard vague language as a kind of strategies so as to make expressions euphemistic and reserved.『24words』

25、Although, I saw however, I did intend to remove my Be seen the true face of the taboo, however I do not intend to make mistakes.『26words』

26、“I'd like to marry again, I've come that far, but I intend to be as happy with my second husband as I was with my first."『26words』

27、We intend to campaign against specific projects which damage the environment or squander our resources, and fight for their correction with every legal means at our disposal.『27words』

28、You will need to intend to anchor ascending grid work for your garden much as you intend to have ascension grid work properly woven each day in your field to assure your own ascension.『34words』

29、For example :-Suppose that you intend to accumulate $50,000 by the first of January, five years hence, that you intend to give personal services in return for the money, in the Capacity of a salesman.『35words』

30、Now intend in the Language of Light to tell the land that you each need to intend the best possible dream for earth movement that allows all to exist in peace and joy in association.『35words』

