

1、Heat milk to lukewarm.『4words』

2、I suppose you're just lukewarm?"『5words』

3、Our enjoyment seemed rather lukewarm.『5words』

4、Our food was only lukewarm.『5words』

5、I was sick of being lukewarm.『6words』



6、he hates lukewarm coffee; tepid bath water.『7words』

7、gave only lukewarm support to the incumBent candidate.『8words』

8、Economists have never been more than lukewarm toward him.『9words』

9、It also helps to bathe only in lukewarm water.『9words』

10、We think of lukewarm water, hope to get in it.『10words』



11、The response to his proposed gas “swap” has been lukewarm.『10words』

12、Their lukewarm welcome give me an all - over sort of feeling『12words』

13、Pre-soak in lukewarm water to40℃ maximum, using a recommended mild wool detergent.『12words』

14、“Hand wash clothes in lukewarm water, gently and rinse also in lukewarm water."『13words』

15、As between cold water and hot water, it is the lukewarm water party.『13words』

16、An auction of Greek 6-month government debt was also given a lukewarm reception this morning.『15words』

17、One of those polite lukewarm reviews that are the kiss of death for a commercial film.『16words』

18、The lukewarm response to this week's launch of its new iPhone 4s should give some cause for concern.『18words』

19、Apply generous amount to your face. Massage gently until the makeup is dissolved completely. Rinse off with lukewarm water.『19words』

20、When it comes to drinking during runs, cold water is actually better than lukewarm water because it's absorbed faster.『19words』



21、Some patrons nurse lukewarm cups of cappuccino; others wait patiently for a slice of cheesecake to be placed before them.『20words』

22、Revelation 3:16 So then because thou art lukewarm, and neither cold nor hot, I will spue thee out of my mouth.『21words』

23、Slice the ginger thinly and soak the walnuts in lukewarm water, remove the fine skin and deep-fry. Drain off the oil.『21words』

24、Company liaison man is convenient, adjacent airport reachs lukewarm city harbour east, lukewarm city railway station is received south, be faced with bonnily Ou river.『25words』

25、Vice presidential hopeful Lloyd Bentsen gets an earful from Long Island Association prexy James LaRocca at Crest Hollow Club, Westbury, L.I., where he got lukewarm reception yesterday.『27words』

26、Consumer's preference for the 10 "form factor explains the lukewarm response to Samsung's 7" Galaxy tablet and the rapid introduction of larger screen models in that series.『27words』

27、Respondents replied with surprising unanimity on how lukewarm they felt about the performance of SaaS: on 16 factors, all received less than 5 on a 7 point scale.『28words』

28、As for the warm water fish, lukewarm water fish and all temperature fish, the rise in water temperature might have, to varying degrees, a negative impact on their growth and reproduction.『31words』

29、Shareholders that like the current management team would be more inclined to vote for the Deutsche Bourse deal, while those who are more lukewarm on it would lean toward the Nasdaq/ICE deal.『32words』

30、A small portion of this, lukewarm or cold, offered to me last night could not have hurt anyone, while my dancing might then have been less like the agonised wrigglings of a landed carp.『34words』

