

1、The immobilized aphids quickly died.『5words』

2、And yes, aphids are animals.『5words』

3、There must be aphids somewhere around.『6words』

4、She pinched the aphids off the rose.『7words』

5、Aphids select host plants mainly by winged aphids.『8words』



6、The young beetle larvae can eat hundreds of aphids.『9words』

7、Zhang Chuanxi and Tian ZJ. 1998 Chinese gall aphids.『9words』

8、When growing vegetables, one must guard against cabbage aphids.『9words』

9、Physical control by yellow trap aphids, black light trapping moth.『10words』

10、Alternation of sexual and parthenogenic generations, as in some aphids.『10words』



11、Toxicity of Vitex negundo extract to aphids and its co-toxicity with imidacloprid『12words』

12、plant lice (aphids); whiteflies; cicadas; leafhoppers; plant_hoppers; scale insects and mealybugs; spittle insects.『13words』

13、Control effect of organic product "Tepec-1" to aphids after spraying by high-voltage electrostatic sprayer.『14words』

14、Bunchy top disease can spread from plant to plant and is also spread by aphids.『15words』

15、The Pesticide Adjuvent 885(PA885) can obviously increase the control effect of omethoate against cotton aphids.『15words』

16、The researchers conjecture that aphids might have pilfered the genes from a fungus that was infecting them.『17words』

17、Ants keep predatory insects away from where their aphids feed; Gmail keeps the spammers out of our inboxes.『18words』

18、The resistance of green peach aphids to insecticides results mainly from the enhance the levels of the E4 carboxylesterase.『19words』

19、This is the important point: the distances to the aphids are increasing even though the aphids are not walking away.『20words』

20、It also can be applied to the control of the main pest such as tea aphids in the tea trees.『20words』



21、I bound the base of the tree with sticky tape, making it impossible for the ants to reach the aphids.『20words』

22、In Texas, Marvin Harris, a professor at Texas A&M University, has found that spiders can control aphids in pecan orchards.『20words』

23、The experiments results showed that covering planting with voile could control aphids effectively, and prevent aphids to transmit virus to the tobacco plant.『23words』

24、The main factors determining the host selection behaviors of aphids are food source stimuli. If aphids receive appropriate positive stimuli, they begin feeding.『23words』

25、The results showed that the two aphids, namely Myzus persicae and Lipaphis erysimi, mainly fed on the underside of young and old leaves.『23words』

26、The main species of tobacco virus spread by aphids in Shaanxi included cucumber mosaic virus (CMV), tobacco etch virus (TEV) and potato Y virus (PVY);『25words』

27、If the aphids burst to a large number, the glisten membrane had a limited effect to drive aphids away, and the relative control effect would decline.『26words』

28、My home have a crape myrtle tree, full of aphids, and I will do one lady beetle, after eating the damned aphids, let them go to hell!『27words』

29、During the tobacco hardening period bed of tobacco seedling was the falling target of alate aphids and was the main resource of tobacco virus spread by aphids.『27words』

30、They farm fungi, raise aphids as livestock, launch armies to war, use chemical sprays to alarm and confuse enemies, capture slaves, engage in child labour, exchange information ceaselessly.『28words』

