

1、chopper speed control『3words』

2、chopping knife; chopper『3words』

3、magnetoresistance effect chopper『3words』

4、chopper-type muck pump『3words』

5、a chopper; a broadsword; a billhook『6words』



6、The chopper is hovering over the village.『7words』

7、Triple-disk chopper design of horizontal neutron scattering reflectometer『8words』

8、We got the chopper in sight. Where are you?『9words』

9、Design of A chopper OPAMP in CLASS-D Audio System『9words』

10、The CTU chopper lands to pick up Teri and Kim.『10words』



11、Study of AC-DC-AC matrix converter based on AC chopper inverter『10words』

12、Experimental investigations on cutting effect of the maize stalk chopper with vertical shafts『13words』

13、With all that in place, it's time to start making the chopper look real!『14words』

14、A stable flying capacitor voltage must be maintained to facilitate the operation of the chopper.『15words』

15、Sara shouts over the sound of the whirling chopper blades, “He’s lost a lot of blood.『16words』

16、Sprinkle some salt and pepper on both sides of each lamb chop, use chopper to press gently.『17words』

17、The operation principle of chopper and some key technical points of the high current chopper are briefly introduced.『18words』

18、Just as they are about to board the chopper, Kim runs toward the water tower to get Rick.『18words』

19、The model for general snubber circuits is presented by means of analyzing the snubber circuit of a chopper.『18words』

20、Meanwhile, the driver had the functions of constant current chopper, index movements frequency and sine wave equal-breadth even subdivision.『19words』



21、The program (CXS) compiled by author has been applied to design rotary bury component of JHF 130 straw chopper.『19words』

22、The PWM chopper circuit and the selection of power switching elements, protecting circuits, driving units and software programming are given out.『21words』

23、And there was Tammy, Lieutenant Colonel Tammy Duckworth lost her legs from RPG fire piloting a Black Hawk chopper in Iraq.『21words』

24、By analyzing weld technology of the purple copper water-cooled radiator used in high-power chopper, we have found a newly direct and current anti-weld method.『24words』

25、The crowds did not know which helicopter he was in, so they waved and shouted “Bye-bye, George” at any chopper that passed over them.『24words』

26、If I had a new chopper in my hand now, it would be quite obvious how well I could pick meat from animals with it.『25words』

27、A new chopper of corn straw and stubble was introduced in this paper? The structure and working principles of the new chopper of corn straw and stubble is expatiated and explained.『31words』

28、The strain style chopper force and the transducer of delating degree are a couple of transducers which are applied to the tester of delating degree and chopper force of coarse yarn spindle wing.『33words』

29、In accordance with the defects of the detecting device using vibration wire as the elastic sensing element, using a slot type optical chopper as vibration detecting device is put forward in the paper.『33words』

30、As the head of a national body, Tharunyata Hetak (“aspiring youth”), he is whisked north—a chopper is usually on call—to dish out cash, books and other aid to victims of the civil war.『33words』

