

1、He summed it up perfectly.『5words』

2、They summed up the voting.『5words』

3、Contributions summed into several thousand yuan.『6words』

4、He summed up to everyone's satisfaction.『6words』

5、This conference has summed up your experience.『7words』



6、He summed up the turnover for her.『7words』

7、I summed her up as a competent manager.『8words』

8、Physicist Greg Gbur summed up the discussion on his blog.『10words』

9、It is summed up in a single word — man.『10words』

10、His own legal philosophy could be summed up fairly simply.『10words』



11、As one attendee summed up, "Where have we come from?"『10words』

12、All human wisdom is summed up in two words — wait and hope.『13words』

13、Improvement in alkaline etching and smut removing before zincate treatment was summed up.『13words』

14、For them to pay. That phrase pretty much summed up the whole session.『13words』

15、The three specific functions can be summed up as "booster", "incubator" and "detonator".『13words』

16、The 1-bit correlation values are arithmetically combined (e. g., summed) to generate a correlation metric.『15words』

17、The step and error control in machining the converter bearing seat with this method are summed up.『17words』

18、This paper summed up main models, operational mechanism and problems of agricultural machinery service in late years.『17words』

19、The technologies for grouting at the tail of the shield machine were summed up in this paper.『17words』

20、They summed up all his previous existence, and in summing it up had put a seal upon it.『18words』



21、She summed up that sane consistent something existing in nine out of ten of the people Shelton knew.『18words』

22、As for our method of knowing them, it can be and is summed up in a word, albeit a double-barrelled word: hypothetico-deductive.『22words』

23、Methods The preoperative preparation, intraoperative coordination, postoperative observation and nursing countermeasures of 216 cases treated with PCI through transradial artery were summed up.『23words』

24、The aromatization evolvement of light hydrocarbon in fremdness and in China was summed up, and particular expatiated the aromatization catalyst which was developing.『23words』

25、The design of an internal toothing gear shaping cutter can be summed up to a multi-target optimization problem. A mathematic model for optimization is established.『25words』

26、Indeed, good viticulture can be summed up as encouraging a convergence of phenolic and sugar ripeness, with both at optimal levels at the same time.『25words』

27、The two main schools of thought about speciation that emerged in the 20th century to fill this intellectual vacuum can be summed up as "breeding defined" and "niche defined".『29words』

28、First: first, to reformulate the definition of the relevant major, summed up the current domestic and evaluation methods, and analysis to clarify the advantages and disadvantages of each method.『29words』

29、WHEN Stephen Harper, prime minister of Canada, summed up the record of his first five months in office, he could justifiably boast that four of his five campaign "priorities" had been met.『32words』

30、While continuing to deepen various reforms in rural areas, we should extend the experiment with rural taxes and administrative charges to all parts of the country on the basis of well summed up experience and improved policies.『37words』

