

1、houses unfit for habitation『4words』

2、houses unfit for (human)habitation『4words』

3、The water is unfit for drinking.『6words』

4、He reported himself unfit for work.『6words』

5、Rendered unfit for habitation or use『6words』



6、They were utterly unfit to govern.『6words』

7、The housing was unfit for human habitation.『7words』

8、The meat was condemned as unfit to eat.『8words』

9、Today I wore a pair of unfit shoes.『8words』

10、His constant vacillation made him an unfit administrator.『8words』



11、Existing houses are becoming totally unfit for human habitation.『9words』

12、The play is unfit for the stage as it stands.『10words』

13、We can't try this man; he is mentally unfit to plead.『11words』

14、His lawyers are arguing that he is unfit to stand trial.『11words』

15、The concrete apartment blocks show their age and they become unfit for human's habitation.『14words』

16、The company's doctor found that she was unfit to carry out her normal work.『14words』

17、Several popular beaches were found unfit for swimming although the government passed them last year.『15words』

18、A young, unmarried woman may be totally unprepared, unfit, or unwilling to assume the responsibilities of motherhood.『17words』

19、His mother has feather-bedded him all his life and he's quite unfit to go and live on his own.『19words』

20、All inmates, unless certified physically unfit by Medical Officers, are required by law to work six days a week.『19words』



21、Pursuant to Starfleet General Order 104, Section a: you are deemed unfit and I hereby relieve you of your command.『20words』

22、Exemptions from military service shall be granted to persons unfit for it due to serious physical defects or serious deformities.『20words』

23、A soil on which water stands for more than a week after a heavy rain is considered unfit for fruit growing.『21words』

24、He's purged himself of all qualms and second thoughts so as to function smoothly in the world that Bell, the Goldwaterian granddad, has grown unfit for.『26words』

25、A prince or President, whose character is thus marked by every act which may define a tyrant, is unfit to be the ruler of a free people.『27words』

26、wet spongy ground of decomposing vegetation; has poorer drainage than a swamp; soil is unfit for cultivation but can be cut and dried and used for fuel.『27words』

27、The result shows that the athletes with big-intensity training have a good physiological function without happenings of sports anaemia or any signs (unfit) for the sports load.『27words』

28、Just as unfit peacocks cannot grow splendid tails, so unfit people cannot sing well, dance well (for singing and dancing go together, as it were, like a horse and carriage) or play music well.『34words』

29、On the whole, you may be pretty sure, if you go into your garden, and find many flowers — as tulips, marigolds and morning glories — shut, it will be a stormy day, unfit for picnics or long walks.『39words』

30、all totally unfit for their several callings, all lying horribly in pretending to belong to them, but all nearly or remotely of the order of Monseigneur, and therefore foisted on all public employments from which anything was to be got;『40words』

