

1、subjective(sensible) failure deciding『3words』

2、He hesitated before deciding.『4words』

3、Consider the matter well before deciding.『6words』

4、Cost can be a deciding factor.『6words』

5、think carefully before deciding to do sth『7words』



6、Profound distributor sale and victory deciding terminals『7words』

7、He has to start deciding whom to disappoint.『8words』

8、“Idiotic?" Natalie said."I was just deciding it's rather magical.『9words』

9、We have come to the age of deciding for ourselves.『10words』

10、Graphics method for deciding optimal bidding strategy of power suppliers;『10words』



11、But what about deciding on where to go to college?『10words』

12、Numbers matter, because deciding where to draw the nationalization line isn't easy.『12words』

13、This suggests that they were deciding between truth and dishonesty, and ultimately opting for the latter.『16words』

14、The most difficult step in programming values will be deciding exactly what we believe is moral.『16words』

15、Your mind resolves this conundrum by deciding that actually the study was pretty interesting after all.『16words』

16、Moreover, proves the sufficient and necessary conditions of deciding if NESAC nets is the structural liveness.『16words』

17、The fire saved us the agony of deciding what to keep and what to get rid of.『17words』

18、Scientific technology is the main factor in deciding the kinds, amounts and high or low rate of recovery.『18words』

19、Man's production is the deciding factor in history, and the fundamental law governing the historical development of human society.『19words』

20、This self-handicapping, it is important to take this into account before just deciding to go with that first explanation.『19words』



21、As we discussed earlier, the supplier should exercise great care in deciding which customers are worthy of key account status.『20words』

22、The administrative proceedings goal was deciding the administrative procedural law's concrete institutional arrangements, are deciding the administrative proceedings judicature practice style.『21words』

23、The same disadvantages can apply to flat sharing, with the added difficulties that arise from deciding who pays for what, and in what proportion.『24words』

24、In other words, autonomy should be deciding whether to learn a foreign language at all, but it should not mean deciding unguided on the method.『25words』

25、The hot version is like going out to a bar for a drink, then deciding with each new round whether to have another, he says.『25words』

26、It was drafted in part out of concerns that deciding when to fire in cyberspace can be more complicated than it is on traditional battlefields.『25words』

27、Time is money, and I'm spending my valuable time deciding between the cheap, low-fat kind and the best quality, fresh organic butter for three times the price.『27words』

28、When the doctor came in to see Thea. Mrs. Kronborg was reflecting that the washing was a week behind. and deciding what she had better do about it.『28words』

29、deciding to set up branches; amending the articles of association of the company; discussing and deciding the termination of production, termination of the company or merging with another economic organization;『30words』

30、Internet is not such an unconcerned as it used to be.In todays electronic age,it is changing the way customers behave-in deciding what products to buy ,and where to buy them.『30words』

