


2、He won the prize luckily.『5words』

3、But luckily, my laptop was there.『6words』

4、I luckily slipped through her fingers.『6words』

5、But luckily I did Ok this time.『7words』



6、I walk up, and luckily one of them recognizes me.『10words』

7、And the Hare took to her heels and luckily escaped.『10words』

8、He threw a chair at me, but luckily I dodged.『10words』

9、He said that luckily the rain stopped before we started.『10words』

10、He threw a bottle at me, but luckily I dodged.『10words』



11、Love is not all luckily, all are not the love luckily.幸好爱情不是一切,幸好一切都不是爱情。『11words』

12、The fossil luckily includes a good portion of the hind legs.『11words』

13、I was knocked but luckily, a fireman saved both of us.『11words』

14、Anyway, I started walking down the alleyway, and luckily the street lamps were still on.『15words』

15、The medics arrived, luckily we had foreseen the worst and brought along four of them.『15words』

16、It was hard for me to overcome such nervousness, but luckily I am over it now.『16words』

17、Boss Lin is really handsome. I don't know who can marry him so luckily in the future.『17words』

18、Things go wrong sometimes and luckily enough we still got second place, so it is better than nothing.『18words』

19、In 'Luckily, I didn't tell anyone' and 'Financially, we have a serious problem', 'luckily' and 'financially' are sentence adverbs.『19words』

20、If I had not luckily thought of standing up with you, I could not have got out of it.『19words』



21、At present there is no way to predict or avoid such enormous avalanches, but, luckily, they are very rare.『19words』

22、At last, and luckily for him, a tremendous wave tossed him to the very spot where he wanted to be.『20words』

23、But I do not know how to "cook" this… luckily the waitress is helpful enough to help us to cook it.『21words』

24、To be luckily, there is an overall valve in every hydraulic system, so high impact pressure cannot affect the fatigue life-span seriously.『22words』

25、EXAMPLE: Last year our business had a dry spell that lasted for several months, but luckily sales increased near the end of the year.『24words』

26、“It was luckily in good shape," says Kapsalis, "and we just have to do some minor things in order to be able to unfold it".『25words』

27、“Li Wan was the widow of Jia Zhu who had died young, but luckily she had a son, Jia Lan, just five and already in school. "『27words』

28、But luckily there was a revival of the early techniques in the mid-1800s and artists went back to creating colored glass and using the lead strips in their designs.『29words』

29、“You obviously can't be afraid of heights," says Mr. Riegel, who once fell two stories while working on a rooftop in the rain but luckily landed safely on a pile of soft dirt.『33words』

30、The idea of leisure somehow reminded him of Miss T'ang.He hurriedly forced the thought out of his mind like one skating over thin ice.His heart also managed to dodge the pain, which luckily had not yet started up.『38words』

