


2、sectional jealousies, rivalry, etc『4words』

3、Or rivalry as usual?『4words』

4、set into opposition or rivalry.『5words』

5、SIBLING rivalry has many famous examples.『6words』



6、There is cut-throat rivalry among the supermarkets.『7words』

7、So sectarian rivalry is once again to the fore.『9words』

8、Properly handled, interdependence could smooth the rougher edges of rivalry.『10words』

9、Moreover such flag waving is born of rivalry between nations.『10words』

10、“It's that old rivalry thing," says Oliver, with a smile.『10words』



11、Wilt Chamberlain that paved the way for the league's oldest rivalry.『11words』

12、In the Kingdom of God there is no competition or rivalry.『11words』

13、It was a rivalry for the ages: Californian designers against Italian designers.『12words』

14、Bankers retort that rivalry for corporate brokerships is intense and switching is common.『13words』

15、That's not too unusual, considering the deep and storied rivalry between the two companies.『14words』

16、The Game is the third-most-played college football rivalry, after The Rivalry between Lehigh-Lafayette and the Princeton-Yale game.『17words』

17、The Yale Bulldogs compete in the Ivy League and are well known for their rivalry with Harvard.『17words』

18、While the goddess worked on the stow of her rivalry with Poseidon, Arachne began to weave a delicate web.『19words』

19、Of course, there is a certain amount of rivalry but this is not helpful and is not often serious.『19words』

20、The political rivalry between two big political parties in Karachi erupted into bloody street-fighting which left over 70 dead.『19words』



21、In Blood Work, Holly Tucker tells a tale of fierce rivalry, bizarre experimentation and an uneasy sense of transgression.『19words』

22、Microwave broadband low noise amplifier is the important part of the receiver system of radar, electron rivalry, remote measuring and remote control.『22words』

23、Since then, mutual enmity, expressed in military confrontations, ACTS of sabotage and a steady stream of invective, has ripened into a broader strategic rivalry.『24words』

24、This period was one of inter-elite rivalry, in which nobles sought to increase their influence by funding the construction of churches and other buildings.『24words』

25、The rivalry between Oxford and Cambridge also has a long history, dating back to the days when Cambridge was founded by dissident scholars from Oxford.『25words』

26、In1979 two college players, Larry Bird of Indiana State University and Magic Johnson of Michigan State University motivated an increased interest in the game through their friendly rivalry.『28words』

27、This critic generated I think some undue rivalry between ballet and modern dance, and it would take a long time, many years in fact, for the rivalry to calm down.『30words』

28、However, now, the research that applies real option to patent pricing does not consider the impact of rivalry entry on the value of patent option, leading to the overvaluation of the patents.『32words』

29、Possessing a admission ticket of WTO is a historic event in the course of China's reform and openness, which means we will take part in the rivalry in the international market directly.『32words』

30、Magic's Spartans came out on top in that game, but the two continued their rivalry in the NBA contributing to the NBA's greatest rivalry between the Boston Celtics and the Los Angeles Lakers.『33words』

