




4、那种仅靠一个人的力量就能改变整群人的做法是异想天开,即使是blogger Guy或是Oprah这样的脱口秀主持人也做不到。我觉得这一点是勿庸置疑的。『2words』

5、Another blogger wrote: "Numb!"『4words』



6、Does this blogger get traffic?『5words』

7、Does this blogger post consistently?『5words』

8、Does this blogger interact with readers?『6words』

9、Why do you want to be a blogger『8words』

10、Abhijeet is a blogger and web publisher from India.『9words』



11、Italy's most popular blogger, the comedian Beppe Grillo, thought so.『10words』

12、The blogger who started off the diatribe wrote a post attacking me publicly.『13words』

13、Comments turn a major blog into a forum, where the blogger is the moderator.『14words』

14、“Tangibles trump conceptuals" is among the key precepts of leading survivalist author and blogger J.W. Rawles.『16words』

15、John Gruber, the blogger and technology commentator, saw him fairly recently and observed: "he looked old."『16words』

16、The software giant's “technical evangelist”, Mr Scoble has become the best-known example of a corporate blogger.『16words』

17、For Claire Sulmers, a 27-year-old fashion blogger in New York, the stumper was an 'international' dress code.『17words』

18、You have similar choices, whether you're a journalist, a blogger, a banker, a marketer, an artist, etc.『17words』

19、Nearly every newspaper, radio and television channel now runs blogs and updates them faster than any individual blogger ever could.『20words』

20、Clicking on a dish directs readers to the web page of an individual food blogger with the recipe's full details.『20words』



21、She spent 12 years working as a news editor for an English-language paper in Bahrain before volunteering at Global Voices as a blogger in 2005.『25words』

22、Thus, I may not be a source of good advice about getting into this business, but when has the lack of knowledge stopped a blogger『25words』

23、However, as a tech blogger, I understand this issue to be Wikipedia's dedication to free and educational content - even when that education is widely debated.『26words』

24、The discourse authority station of a blogger is built up through widely attention and trust, and lasts through discourse power increase, and get overthrown in the contest.『27words』

25、Now one reviewer says the cost of owning a Veyron may approach $300,000 a year-a sum one blogger said may be akin to running a private jet.『27words』

26、In the wake of this week's nuclear summit, my co-blogger Marcelo Glieser and I have been exchanging thoughts on the meaning of our penchant for scientifically mediated destruction.『28words』

27、Since that is very much the approach of America’s new president, the contrarian blogger may soon have to cope with an unsettling new life as part of the new orthodoxy.『30words』

28、Chinese actress Xu Jinglei became the world's most widely read blogger this month when her blog logged 100 million page views within about 600 days, the Beijing News said on Thursday.『31words』

29、Knowing that a blogger is a political activist, or a real estate agent, or a (ahem) social media strategist means you can assess what you're reading with some knowledge of their agenda.『32words』

30、Life is throwing all kinds of challenges at you, things need to be dealt with, handled, and brought to some kind or order... and this blogger guy is telling you to meditate and not do anything.『36words』

