

1、I'm not yelling『3words』

2、yelling, laughing, chasing boys,『4words』

3、Restate what he's yelling about.『5words』

4、troops yelling as they attacked.『5words』

5、She's yelling, 'Daddy, I need you!'『6words』



6、Robbie couldn't keep the child from yelling.『7words』

7、He blew off steam by yelling at his wife『9words』

8、All three women were yelling when Heng came in.『9words』

9、Let's say your bad habit is yelling at your kids.『10words』

10、Other drivers who had stopped their cars began yelling too.『10words』



11、She was yelling now, as the train's bellow grew louder.『10words』

12、Don't try to defuse your anger with unrestrained ranting and yelling.『11words』

13、Kids are yelling in the playground outside. A paper airplane whizzes overhead.『12words』

14、To be able to see it in stores made me feel like yelling, "Yay!"『14words』

15、 Mesa hysterically raises a chair and rushes over, smashing people and yelling in Chongqing.『15words』

16、He made one final struggle with his pride, and then darted after his comrades, yelling: "Wait!"『16words』

17、There are three Browns yelling in three thought bubbles from three operators at an anti-bullying hotline.『16words』

18、Yelling and yelling furiously; the heart was squeezed and confined in the high walls built by yourself.『17words』

19、Among the yelling crowds were not only young boys and girls, but also many hoary-headed old professors.『17words』

20、Sandwiching corrections and being positive may help you to feel like you are not being mean or yelling.『18words』



21、Openly displaying annoyance or anger, yelling, arguing loudly and so forth is considered ill-mannered in countries such as Japan.『19words』

22、Turning toward the audience, he pointed to the rear of the orchestra, yelling wildly at the same time: "Look, look!"『20words』

23、Actually, we think it's great that you and your wife enjoy playing card games together, and yelling when you lose is pretty normal behavior.『24words』

24、After a few hours on my own, I started hallucinating and caught myself yelling. My heart rate got really slow and it was hard to breathe.『26words』

25、He is the one who can cause a commotion in a rare blowout game for the Yankees by yelling at a fill-in third baseman on a popup.『27words』

26、The bugs are yelling"eliminate human for the Almighty Protoss! " desperately. It is obvious that they could not last long. Kill them all and save the world!『27words』

27、I get up in the morning, get myself ready, and put my daughter her in the trailer, where she spends most of her time playing and yelling, "Whee!"『28words』

28、The little kids (children younger than we were) had to go with their mothers, but we older ones went together to neighbors' houses, ringing their doorbell and yelling, "Trick or treat!"『31words』

29、He wrote an express letter and requested a receipt.I had to take forever to find your chop [his seal to stamp the receipt], the mailman downstairs yelling for me to hurry up, getting me all flustered!『36words』

30、No more yelling, that is afraid of death, no more yelling pain, that is afraid of pain death, no more complaints, that is afraid of being pits, because the world no longer shouting no one to take care of.『39words』

