

1、“Long underwear, " she joked.『5words』

2、They joked about his ineptitude.『5words』

3、She joked about his moustache.『5words』

4、“Are you getting bored yet?" she joked.『7words』

5、“He's nice like Lin, too," somebody joked.『7words』



6、“I am truly jealous," Xu Huabei joked.『7words』

7、she joked, coming up alongside her travelling companion.『8words』

8、“Can I have my lip back?" he joked.『8words』

9、I am sorry I joked too roughly with thee.『9words』

10、He had talked to a few casually, joked with them.『10words』



11、“That's the kind of pregnancy I want, " the nurse joked.『11words』

12、“Anyway, all good things come with a bad taste," he joked.『11words』

13、“We decided that because it was so much fun...," Obama joked to reporters.『13words』

14、“I've got to be on time for the second shift at home" he joked.『14words』

15、“I don't know if she hears me, but I've got nothing to lose," he joked.『15words』

16、We befriended a group of Indians from Madras. "See you at the top!" we joked.『15words』

17、As he joked, some of them were silent, others scratched their ears, scratched their cheeks, and restless.『17words』

18、He thought I was shy, and coaxed and joked with me, and made me eat the banana.『17words』

19、Later, in college, people who noticed my preference joked about it, generally making me feel embarrassed and ashamed.『18words』

20、When I mentioned this change to one of his teachers, she joked that the coat must have changed him.『19words』



21、Businesspeople frequently joked about the suggestion box and cartoons lambasted the futility of putting ideas in the employee suggestion box.『20words』

22、I joked that marrying a woman who went to Harvard and Yale meant she had to pass every pregnancy test ever made.『22words』

23、Ms Parker joked that she was more of a "custody mom" than a "weekend dad". Houston had got to eat its vegetables.『22words』

24、Jenna joked that their appearance provided an opportunity for "payback time"on live television. Barbara confided that her parents' favorite term of endearment is "Bushie."『24words』

25、Its customers were so angry about the change, for which they would need two accounts, that Reed Hastings, Netflix's boss, joked that he "might need a food taster".『28words』

26、Not too long ago contractors joked about putting up a building roof first. For a number of years now this has actually become a respectable method of construction.『28words』

27、Under repair in Sanxingdui Museum in Sichuan province, the staff joked that the ceramic horse was "poisoned" with its mouth open, tongue out and head tilted on one side.『29words』

28、Clad casually in a white short-sleeved shirt over a white T-shirt and army-green pants, a visibly-thinner Lee Hom joked that arriving in a chopper made him feel like the president.『30words』

29、Christina Aguilera has famously joked about her breasts jumping to an E-cup after the birth of her son: "I look at my husband and go, 'Guess what size this bra is?"『31words』

30、In the privacy of their room, the newlyweds often joked. Young Blacky mimicked Third Fairy and chanted: "Marriages are ordained in heaven. " Qin, imitating Liu the Sage, cried: "District chief be merciful. Their horoscopes don't match."『37words』

