

1、Looks sort of clunky『4words』

2、This probably seems a little clunky.『6words』

3、Slightly clunky, but on the right track.『7words』

4、Projectors are too big and clunky, right?『7words』

5、The result was a clunky Lego drone.『7words』



6、No downloads and no clunky updates mechanism.『7words』

7、Note how clunky this pull style sheet is.『8words』

8、But why diminish all this with clunky dialogue?『8words』

9、It looks more like jewelry than clunky exercise equipment.『9words』

10、Then a sleek, mobile laptop displaced the clunky desktop.『9words』



11、Team efficiency was reduced through adoption of a clunky CVS tool.『11words』

12、Even with Tk set up for Ruby it is somewhat clunky.『11words』

13、This is not to say that Tim's walking is some clunky metaphor.『12words』

14、It does look a little clunky, now, although I still prefer this over the redesign.『15words』

15、You can get all of that wonderful Star Trek tech with none of its clunky looks.『16words』

16、It’s the first brain-wave scanner to be worn on an arm or leg, forgoing clunky headgear.『16words』

17、The first integrated circuit (invented by Jack Kilby of Texas Instruments, see above) was a clunky affair.『17words』

18、A combination of high and confusing pricing, and services often criticized as clunky, have dampened users' enthusiasm.『17words』

19、The space saved by either of these is well worth the replacement of a clunky, old, space-hogging ladder.『18words』

20、It had the clunky title: "What if the Female Manager of a High-School Baseball Team read Drucker's 'Management'".『18words』



21、Satellite phones—often the only ones working right after a disaster—used to be clunky contraptions that could only transmit speech.『19words』

22、WinMo feels really clunky when you use a finger, and you otherwise have to use an annoying (and easily lost) stylus.『21words』

23、Repeated page refreshes can result in a fairly slow and clunky Web experience, even for users with the fastest broadband connection available.『22words』

24、We could do this with inner classes, but they are so clunky to use that sometimes it seemed the cure was worse than the disease.『25words』

25、During their unscheduled two-day visit to Ireland in 2013, both were seen sporting jeans, T-shirts and shapeless jumpers and hooded tops, as well as clunky trainers.『26words』

26、It's odd to think that the last time I spoke to "Steve", we used a clunky land-line and chatted about a computer that is now a museum piece.『28words』

27、In Chapter6, you'll learn how to make your site buzzword compliant. After reading this chapter, you, too, will be able to access server-side functionality without resorting to clunky page refreshes.『30words』

28、No longer does a clunky interface suffice; now we expect flashy graphics, moving images, color-coordinated presentations that would look good in any room in the house, and speedy rendering to boot.『31words』

29、If the client wanted you to write a PPC AD or landing page, but insisted you include their clunky slogan, you'll have to disclaim responsibility for what happens when it goes live.『32words』

30、And then Mr. Chen came into view conspicuous for being the only still point in that sea of motion…and the only one sporting a pair of clunky binoculars the only one watching the watchers of the river.『37words』

