daily life造句,用daily life怎么造句子(30句)

daily life造句,用daily life怎么造句子

1、People's daily life are getting better.『6words』

2、Reflections on the daily life aestheticism;『6words』

3、B: We should cherish our daily life.『7words』

4、Vegetable is indispensable food for daily life.『7words』

5、Oxide is usually seen in our daily life.『8words』

daily life造句,用daily life怎么造句子(30句)

daily life造句,用daily life怎么造句子

6、Tooth decay is so common in the daily life.『9words』

7、The militarism of some countries extends into daily life.『9words』

8、On the tendency of sports becoming part of daily life『10words』

9、Rejections, disappointments and failure are a part of daily life.『10words』

10、Therefore, it's very important to study nonverbal communication in daily life.『11words』

daily life造句,用daily life怎么造句子(30句)

daily life造句,用daily life怎么造句子

11、Here I'll only discuss some symbolization that frequently appears in daily life.『12words』

12、The mass media has become one of the necessary parts in our daily life.『14words』

13、The Fourth of Baptism: What does baptism mean for me in my daily life『14words』

14、Some mediocre and even mediocre days in the daily life of ordinary life, so live.『15words』

15、Saving And Return Of Daily Life Significance--the changing of the daily life narration in contemporary literature;『16words』

16、As a main utensil in the daily life, furniture has great relation with the life style.『16words』

17、So Health is more determined by your habits, that every little bit of your daily life.『16words』

18、Encyclopedia of daily use went deeply into people's daily life, and became one guide to people's life.『17words』

19、Du Fu often writes daily life which little appears in other peoples poems, created many daily life images.『18words』

20、Its basic characteristic is the daily life of teaching, classroom teaching to real life, the classroom of life possible.『19words』

daily life造句,用daily life怎么造句子(30句)

daily life造句,用daily life怎么造句子

21、The life of a monk is pure and bitter. Their daily life begins with bells and ends with drums.『19words』

22、Some of us use index CARDS in their daily life for scheduling, prioritizing, and discussing daily tasks with their families.『20words』

23、The daily self-management refers to the abilities to plan and arrange one's daily life, to control oneself and to deal with interpersonal relations as well.『25words』

24、Life, as the name implies, is to live and live. Life is a calendar page that is torn away from each other in daily life.『25words』

25、It can be seen that ancestor worship is the first priority in all matters of daily life, above all else Sacrificial Temple and other daily-use items.『26words』

26、In our daily life, we will find the beauty of life and the charm of life when we put ourselves into real life with a happy mood.『27words』

27、The advantage of travel is that it can be far away from the daily life, but also do not have to bear the responsibilities of daily trivial.『27words』

28、Dandyism, as a self-conscious aesthetic life style, expresses modern people' s desire to seek the value of themselves and the significance of life by aestheticizing daily life.『27words』

29、However, in modern society, students' daily life world in school is more and more further from students' real daily life because of institutional education world's imperfection in school.『28words』

30、While blending solid slab and hollow slab into customers' daily life, decorating and wrapping to meet various customers' needs, Z point makes flameless painting much more close to our daily life.『31words』

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