

1、通过选择Rerunwith auto - emulate,您可以使用相同的输入值运行,并将相同的响应值用于前一个运行中使用的手动模拟器。『4words』

2、 Eager to emulate; emulous.『5words』

3、Today, the Japanese emulate Intel.『5words』

4、You should emulate his good example.『6words』

5、It would also see Russia emulate Venezuela.『7words』



6、Don't rely on automation to emulate your customers!『8words』

7、They will emulate the behavior that they observe.『8words』

8、Other states have begun attempts to emulate Oklahoma.『8words』

9、Test automation does not effectively emulate a human user.『9words』

10、Their Greek brethren have been trying to emulate them.『9words』



11、The difference is that they don't emulate a user, they mimic one.『12words』

12、These editors emulate a word processor and are ideal for serious editing.『12words』

13、Could a computer use trickery to emulate human responses without being intelligent?『12words』

14、Where should banks turn if they want to find successful brand differentiation to emulate『14words』

15、Zipcar's use of the Internet and wireless technology enables rental cars to emulate personal cars.『15words』

16、The real question is whether you can truly emulate God, because God belongs to a different domain.『17words』

17、We could instead emulate James Joule and increase the temperature solely by doing work on the water.『17words』

18、We emulate these people since they all inspire us and motivate us to reach our own goals as well.『19words』

19、Reconfigure itself, emulate it, however you want to use the words, it's going to change how it does the computation.『20words』

20、Then you should include etudes and exercises that will emulate this technical problem and include these into your daily practice.『20words』



21、NARRATOR: China's leaders hoped to emulate the "tiger economies" of Southeast Asia, where trade and investment had transformed once-impoverished nations.『20words』

22、When you see a good man try to emulate him, when you see a bad man search yourself for his fault .『22words』

23、Huaxian Prefecture feels that this is not perfect, and these thieves should be brought to justice to emulate you before wrinkling their eyebrows.『23words』

24、In order to use DOP as PMD monitoring feedback signal, it is required to emulate the state of DGD in the transition circuitry. A PMD emulator is designed.『28words』

25、While suggestopedia has gained some notoriety through success in the teaching of modern languages, few teachers are able to emulate the spectacular results of Lozanov and his associates.『28words』

26、However, while having a senior design executive is something that can and likely should be emulated, blindly trying to emulate the nature of Steve's involvement is rather more questionable.『29words』

27、If I were to emulate James Joyce and devolve the level of my prose into smaller, simpler sentences with easy words, would you even understand what I was doing?『29words』

28、But before we try to emulate geniuses or encourage our children to do so we should note that some of the things we learn from them may prove unpalatable.『29words』

29、There are a little research on emulate of dynamical respond of port crane and some work is to study and analyse the data which be obtain by tested on unloader.『30words』

30、In today's society with the development of economy, people from all walks of life to "money" to emulate, as the evaluation standard, so many people for money and go struggle.『30words』


上一篇:daily life造句,用daily life怎么造句子(30句)