

1、neural entrapment syndrome of forearm『5words』

2、resistance test of forearm extensor『5words』

3、He had a tattoo on his forearm.『7words』

4、Maybe your forearm could be more accommodating.『7words』

5、A furious camel has bitten his forearm.『7words』



6、Treatment of forearm fracture with interlocking intramedullary nail『8words』

7、ConclusionComprehensive therapy is effective on forearm extensor myotenositis.『8words』

8、After that, Shaq introduced his forearm to Bynum's chin.『9words』

9、Of, relating to, or near the radius or forearm.『9words』

10、He strapped one of the Jackal shields to his forearm.『10words』



11、He proceeds to dial the number inked onto his forearm: 312-909-3529.『11words』

12、What is the diagnosis for the finding(s) involving the proximal forearm『11words』

13、Factors affect early failure of 407 cases autogenous arteriovenous fistulae in forearm『12words』

14、Pastern joint: Broad and in line with the forearm, without bony prominences or skin folds.『15words』

15、This spurs blood flow through the forearm muscles - which actually stops during times of maximum gripping.『17words』

16、the part of an armchair or sofa that supports the elbow and forearm of a seated person.『17words』

17、To buy a fish about the length of your forearm, for example, the conversation might go as follows.『18words』

18、The company’s technology allows diabetic people to take blood samples from multiple sites on their bodies, including the forearm.『19words』

19、The rounded head of the ulna produces a bulge on the posterior side of the forearm just above the wrist.『20words』

20、Tennis elbow is a tendonitis which occurs in the tendon that connects the muscle in the forearm to the bone.『20words』



21、Objective: To discuss the effect of ilium grafting and ulna lengthening on the treatment of forearm deformity of heredity multiple osteochondroma.『21words』

22、The injection site was various muscle group of upper limb flexor muscle, also had the pure injection on forearm muscle group.『21words』

23、-- No, thank you, sir, the old woman said, slipping the ring of the milkcan on her forearm and about to go.『22words』

24、In the study, participants were asked to mimic a 60-degree forearm movement that was represented as a wavy line on a computer screen.『23words』

25、It was tattooed in several places. 'Here's luck','A fair wind' and'Billy Bones his fancy' were very neatly and clearly executed on the forearm『23words』

26、Using 22g or 24g intravenous catheter needle. Choose non-operated side in patients with median cubital vein, forearm vein and forearm blood vessels in your vein for the injection.『28words』

27、The skin-prick test: a drop of a solution containing the suspected allergen is placed on the skin of the subject's forearm, which is then pricked with a needle.『28words』

28、While the dangling-arm shakeout allows good blood flow into the forearm, it doesn't help the flow of "old blood" out of the forearm, due to the arm's position below your heart.『31words』

29、For example, the bicepes muscle in the front of the upper arm is a flexor. When this muscle contracts, the elbow bends and the forearm and hand move toward the shoulder.『31words』

30、We were getting on so well that, when the sun had gone down and the others went inside to eat, he rolled up his shirt sleeves to reveal large scars on each forearm.『33words』

