

1、Generals have their missions.『4words』

2、Participate in overseas trade missions.『5words』

3、What about the other missions『5words』

4、That will help plan future missions.『6words』

5、The pilot had flown fifteen missions.『6words』



6、multidisciplinary programming and project identification missions『6words』

7、Two more missions, perhaps carrying astronauts, will follow in 2012.『10words』

8、The view on several missions of reinvigorate old Industrial base;『10words』

9、Civilian police attached to such missions are a different matter.『10words』

10、Complete 5 missions for a Clan contesting a Dark Sector.『10words』



11、The player is given missions, according to the side chosen.『10words』

12、Similar markings were photographed on the moon during the Apollo missions.『11words』

13、Kill the bad guys and accomplish missions to become a Master Hitman.『12words』

14、ERC undertakes engineering research, engineering service engineering education three missions which are connected each other.『15words』

15、The air force and the navy retain their prohibition of women on air combat missions.『15words』

16、“So, all of our missions are responding to the problems that threaten our missions," Payton said.『16words』

17、Sen. McCain volunteered for duty during the Vietnam War and began piloting bombing missions in 1966.『16words』

18、Such a walking robot would join robotic helicopters already flying test missions to resupply Marines in Afghanistan.『17words』

19、Humans have sent many missions, both manned and robotic, beyond our planet to explore our neighboring celestial bodies.『18words』

20、This increase gives tactical commanders greater flexibility in planning and managing their missions on a single, integrated network.『18words』



21、Each stage has its normal developmental missions and tasks that you can identify and work through in many different ways.『20words』

22、He flew on four Shuttle missions, including the one in 1998 that inaugurated the assembly of the International Space Station.『20words』

23、It was first flown in 2002 and was the first modern unmanned aerial vehicle to be designed for combat strike missions, according to the museum.『25words』

24、The NASA Educational Launch of Nano Satellite program, which offers free launches for educational groups and science missions, is now open to U.S. nonprofit corporations as well.『27words』

25、The aircraft is similar to the US Navy EA-6B Prowler in its missions and operation profile, though its technology is likely to be generations behind the latter.『27words』

26、The countdown to flyingthe 30 missions that will complete his service to the crown recollects the samecountdown in Joseph Heller's “Catch-22”: a race between luck and doom.『27words』

27、The Missions and Outreach Ministry also supports our members participating in short or long term missions projects and seeks to raise awareness and coordinate assistance for emergency relief.『28words』

28、Orion will start out supporting week-long missions and then will be able to support up to 210-day missions when astronauts eventually live and work at outposts on the moon.『29words』

29、In early space programs, such as the Apollo missions of the 1960s and 1970s, and in the Space Shuttle missions today, scientists developed objects for the astronauts to use on the moon and in space.『35words』

30、The resolution called Ethiopia Eritrea to safeguard security and freedom of act of members of the missions, providing all embracing cooperation to the missions to execute their tasks and truly complying with the ceasefire and peace agreement they signed.『39words』

