

1、We were perished.『3words』

2、Eighty poor fellows perished.『4words』

3、Why, you must be perished.『5words』

4、So the great man perished.『5words』

5、The elastic band has perished.『5words』



6、These elastic bands have perished.『5words』

7、So the deer perished in China.『6words』

8、Most perished trying to swim ashore.『6words』

9、A family of four perished in the fire.『8words』

10、The ancient Aztec culture has all perished now.『8words』



11、KILJAEDENEMERGE.wav -> The expandable have perished, so be it.『9words』

12、Millions of animals perished. The drought lasted over 10 months.『10words』

13、Old Jingad himself later perished in a deadly fight with the mother wolf.『13words』

14、And I said, my strength and my hope is perished from the Lord.『13words』

15、Some 1, 500 people perished. And the survivors tended to be female or young.『14words』

16、Unless thy law had been my delights, I should then have perished in mine affliction.『15words』

17、The third was sickly and elderly, and might have perished but for the efforts used to preserve him.『18words』

18、Although the crew made a valiant sprint for Siberia, more than half the 33 men on the expedition perished.『19words』

19、Some High Country people perished that winter because the snow came before their crops were harvested and their houses finished.『20words』

20、The Permian event has attracted much less attention than other mass extinctions because mostly unfamiliar species perished at that time.『20words』



21、People who are alive to withdraw superiority, and the hearts of those who perished together, which will lead to a solution.『21words』

22、In more recent times the Gypsies were caught up in Nazi ethnic hysteria, and perhaps half a million perished in the Holocaust.『22words』

23、Meanwhile, the deadliest strains of the virus perished with their hosts as natural selection favored strains that could infect hosts but not kill them.『24words』

24、Bats, swallows and more are chemically preserved in the pose in which they perished, sealed in the deposits of sodium carbonate in the water.『24words』

25、 Someone called the police. The police came quickly and checked the scene. No trace was found. They suspected that someone had reported the false police.『26words』

26、Practically all the buildings, cultural, military, residential, industrial, religious -- including the famous University Library with its 800, 000 volumes, of which three-quarters have perished-were razed to the ground.『29words』

27、Plenty of travelers perished accidentally crossing the murky bogs of northern Europe, but at least some individuals, especially in the Middle Ages, were buried there carefully and on purpose.『29words』

28、Now that I know this, I am at a loss to understand where this professor saw these works, since they have perished, so that he can be sure that none of them described the eternal human qualities.『37words』

29、The ruins swallowed up my expectations, and I clearly remember that pieces of rubble scattered among the weeds, broken stone pillars stood in the sunset, the records in the book, childhood fantasies, all perished in the ruins.『37words』

30、Even now, quite often if Richard had not been there reading the Times, so that she could crouch like a bird and gradually revive, send roaring up that immeasurable delight, rubbing stick to stick, one thing with another, she must have perished.『42words』

