

1、Only around a campfire.『4words』

2、Everybody sat around the campfire.『5words』

3、My mother cooks over a campfire.『6words』

4、For when we build our campfire.『6words』

5、Get some sticks to make a campfire.『7words』



6、They put out the campfire before leaving.『7words』

7、I get some sticks to make a campfire.『8words』

8、I doused the campfire with a bucket of water『9words』

9、They can find his campfire easily in the dark.『9words』

10、This is the most common method of making campfire coffee.『10words』



11、Of course, when is camping ever good without a campfire『10words』

12、These masks were traditionally worn at night - usually around a campfire.『12words』

13、Sometimes the most direct route around the world is across a campfire.『12words』

14、Now, the campfire party of the USA "the Chinese bridge" summer camp begins!『13words』

15、They sat around the campfire eating jerk beef and talking about their day.『13words』

16、 The campfire was lit and a faint cloud of smoke melted into the mist.『15words』

17、On the autumn night with a bright moon and a gentle breeze, we gave a campfire party.『17words』

18、I thought if I really had to spend overnight in the jungle, I would make a campfire.『17words』

19、At the campfire party, people sat on the floor, talking and laughing, enjoying the wonderful arts and crafts.『18words』

20、Lastly, images of several fire models, such as campfire, candle fire, missile trail fire and battlefield flame, are prov...『19words』



21、The outward appearance is unassuming, but enter and one catches a wondrous aroma, a transporting blend of steakhouse and campfire.『20words』

22、Another Thanksgiving activity we had this year is campfire and roast marshmallow, the roasting sticks were made with sharpened grape vines.『21words』

23、It's like having a feeling of deep love, going to dinner like a campfire, I'm roasted into the bolt of your love.『22words』

24、Practice low-impact camping when in the backcountry by setting your tent on durable surfaces and using a cook stove instead of a campfire.『23words』

25、Or I can see the prospectors in a Montana mining camp, say 1875-ish, sitting around an open campfire, gazing at the dazzling night sky.『24words』

26、 The breeze is gentle and the sky is full of stars. The campfire and the night sky constitute the most harmonious and beautiful color of light and darkness.『29words』

27、There were half a rabbit in the yard, the other half had only bones left, some dry food scattered around the campfire, and the other half had been thrown into a pot and boiled.『34words』

28、The sleepless campfire burns around the dream. If you dance in the campfire, I come to you with the tragedy of the night and walk into the platform under the traction of the young priest.『35words』

29、After the campfire was extinguished, we were ready to go back to our tent to sleep. Suddenly, from the depths of the woods, there was a sad cry, which made our hair stand on end.『35words』

30、On the boat, and at the campfire after dinner, Kyla recites from the literature of the gold rush - a poem by Robert Service or a tale by Jack London, accounts of hardship, folly and dying of cold.『38words』

