

1、separate footing pump house『4words』

2、foundation Beam; footing Beam『4words』

3、projecting footing of the external wal『6words』

4、All partitions are on an equal footing.『7words』

5、Are you on equal footing with her?『7words』



6、The nation is on a war footing.『7words』

7、Who is footing the bill for her extravagant holiday?『9words』

8、Others lose their footing and believe their own hype.『9words』

9、The company is now on a sound financial footing.『9words』

10、The company now has a firm footing in the marketplace.『10words』



11、Better fastening between sill and wall footing would be beneficial.『10words』

12、International tension was high, and the army was put on a war footing.『13words』

13、They are not on a war-footing, and don't seem to really want to fight.『14words』

14、That is another way of saying that I am placed on the footing I have indicated.『16words』

15、Comrade Nie Rongzhen has said that we must go forward on a solid footing. I agree.『16words』

16、The flight costs, 200 per person and Finnegan and Fulmore are footing the entire bill themselves.『16words』

17、a fair referee; fair deal; on a fair footing; a fair fight; by fair means or foul.『17words』

18、That's because I lost my footing and literally slid a good way down the side of the mountain.『18words』

19、But what about the office? Energy saving can seem a mite less vital when we're not footing the bill.『19words』

20、One can argue (and I have) the benefit of a 100 page report, but the client is footing the bill.『20words』



21、Whether or not it succeeds in producing jobs and taming the recession, tomorrow's taxpayers will end up footing the bill.『20words』

22、The Wolf leaped lamely back, losing its footing and falling in its weakness. It was ludicrous, but he was not amused.『21words』

23、It proved not difficult to re-establish the intimacy of the two companions, on the same footing and in the same degree as heretofore.『23words』

24、For instance, new technologies that are building upon existing technology have not found their footing well enough to appeal to a mass audience.『23words』

25、American are footing the bill for these city of London attack dogs at the IMF as Soros and his PALS want to make more shorting the Euro.『27words』

26、No, no, no, take the initiative to attack the enemy while his footing is shaky and he is unprepared to attack him, thus defeating the enemy's momentum.『27words』

27、He's on more solid footing though when he reports that two kinds of mountings were tried to affix a bayonet to a musket; ring mounting and a socket bayonet.『29words』

28、General chronological books: those recording all events on chronological basis or concurrently recording the footing of special chronological accounting items on chronological basis, such as day book or journal, etc.『30words』

29、Because they are all loyal ministers, it is not convenient for them to stand on an equal footing to negotiate with the emperor, let alone take advantage of the situation to threaten.『32words』

30、Mobilization of the national economy entails the measures and actions taken by the state, in a well-organized and planned way, to shift the economic sectors and related institutions from a peacetime to a wartime footing.『35words』

