

1、The chicks have already hatched.『5words』

2、Three eggs have already hatched out.『6words』

3、A plot was hatched with secrecy.『6words』

4、Newly hatched chicks are like fluffy balls.『7words』

5、Small fish, especially young, recently hatched fish.『7words』



6、The hen has hatched all her chickens.『7words』

7、Never count your chickens before they are hatched.『8words』

8、Well, that's another book successfully hatched, matched, and dispatched.『9words』

9、They hatched up a plot to overthrow the government.『9words』

10、An egg impregnated with male seed can be possibly hatched.『10words』



11、 Do not count your chickens before they are hatched.『10words』

12、A place where eggs, especially those of fish or poultry, are hatched.『12words』

13、The hen hatched the eggs by sitting on them to keep them warm.『13words』

14、In a recent breakthrough, Japanese scientists raised eels hatched in the lab until they spawned.『15words』

15、Effects of starter feeding time on body growth and viscera development of newly hatched chicks『15words』

16、She hatched her plan to have children after her mother died in 2005, the newspaper said.『16words』

17、Toxic effects of suspended substances (SS) on the embryos and newly-hatched larvae of Cynoglossus semilaevis Günther『16words』

18、Effects of temperature and salinity on embryonic developmentand starving tolerance of newly hatched larvae of rock bream Oplegnathus fasciatus『19words』

19、The pheasant walks along the cement road with the newly hatched baby, jumps and jumps, and feels at ease.『19words』

20、There were four newly hatched chicks, a day old - little specks of pulsating life no more than a mouthful;『20words』



21、Few days, she eat or drink, read all the documents anxious thinking, souls will be hatched, lives are at stake.『20words』

22、Egg-bore diseases are those which are transmitted from the infected dam to the newly hatched offspring by means of the fertile egg.『22words』

23、Later one day, when we looked upward, we unexpectedly saw a freshly hatched chick walking about in the nest. The chicken eggs had hatched『24words』

24、Plans were hatched to let local councils reward households who recycled but also to slap fines on those who put out lots of ordinary waste.『25words』

25、Some species lay their eggs and abandon them; the males of other species establish a nest and guard the eggs until hatched. See also snail darter.『26words』

26、Mulberry picking, for me, I still remember when I was a child, hatched silkworm treasure body as small as ants, often for these small guys thin leaves.『27words』

27、The first generation larvae began to hatched on the first 10 days of Apr., the larvae took olive tender tip and young fruit and leaf for food.『27words』

28、The innovation that opened gold investing to the masses and helped spur this year's record-breaking bull market was hatched in an act of desperation by a little-known gold- mining trade group.『31words』

29、Since the bullying tiger ate the eggs of the old hen, hatched a cock that could crow in its stomach, and carried the animals into the zoo, it has been very lively.『32words』

30、High level zinc in hen diet increased zinc content in the body of the filial newborn chick (Pbut had no distinct effect on the zinc content in the shell residue after the egg hatched (P>0.05).『35words』

