

1、The rain turned to sleet.『5words』

2、Chill December brings the sleet.『5words』

3、fall of rain,sleet,snow or hail『5words』

4、rain, snow and sleet were falling.『6words』

5、Winter storms bring ice, sleet and snow.『7words』



6、It is sleeting, ie Sleet is falling.『7words』

7、An icy sleet was beginning to fall.『7words』

8、Under the sleet putty, except weak is desolate.『8words』

9、Part of the flight was through rain, sleet, and snow.『10words』

10、The sleet last night brought more problems to the roads.『10words』



11、Oh no, it's not snow but sleet. I don't like sleet.『11words』

12、Like the rain back in Canada that later turned to sleet.『11words』

13、This winter we have got everything: snowstorms, blizzards, freezing rain, and sleet.『12words』

14、The sleet began to taper off, and silence returned like a lost friend.『13words』

15、NEMA 3r - Outdoor use with some protection against falling rain or sleet.『13words』

16、Through the seasons, rain or sleet, rain or hail, students make their daily treks to class.『16words』

17、the lighthouse, flashing feebly against the sleet-blurred, rocky backdrop of the coast of north west Norway.『16words』

18、Yi sleet affects a corner of jaws hard ugg claccic also wants apt extrude an silk smile.『17words』

19、Albert: look at the dark, cloudy sky! It looks like more rain. Maybe even sleet or snow.『17words』

20、Forgetting her freezing feet and aching ankles, she focused on the puck sliding through the sleet and ice.『18words』



21、The snow and sleet have paralyzed roads, railways and airports, leaving tens of millions of travelers marooned, officials say.『19words』

22、In the evening, the weather broke: the wind shifted from south to northeast, and brought rain first, and then sleet and snow.『22words』

23、The boys threw their hockey gear to the top of the hill and tried climbing up the path, but the sleet had created a smooth glacier.『26words』

24、Ice, sleet, freezing rain and snow have created dangerous roads and knocked out power to hundreds of thousands of people, doing their best to stay warm.『26words』

25、Meanwhile, the relatively high cloud top brightness temperature, no bright band on satellite image and thin melting layer are the features of the weak sleet period.『26words』

26、It's available in both indoor and NEMA 3r-rated outdoor enclosures, able to resist elements such as rain, sleet and ice. And it can be mounted on either a wall or pedestal.『31words』

27、This is despite the fact that you would have to brave sleet and snow to deliver the paper, but you can sit back and watch the dividends deposit themselves in your cash account.『33words』

28、To be honest with you, it will not be easy to achieve the goal.Particularly in the first two months of this year, China was hit by the disaster of sleet rarely seen in history.『34words』

29、If it's going to rain, sleet, hail, or snow the next day, then leave earlier so that you can arrive to work on time and not be stressed out first thing in the morning.『34words』

30、Here we stand in the cold and the sleet, Blowing fingers and stamping feet, Come from far away you to greet—You by the fire and we in the street—Bidding you joy in the morning!『34words』

