

1、We practice mindful eating.『4words』

2、She is mindful of her duty.『6words』

3、Living a consistently mindful life takes effort.『7words』

4、You should be mindful of your health.『7words』

5、to be mindful of the people's hardships『7words』



6、So yes, I was mindful of the imbalances.『8words』

7、To help me be mindful of my oath.『8words』

8、Always be mindful of protecting your safety and health.『9words』

9、In addition, be mindful that social media affects search.『9words』

10、Nhat Hanh: Yes. We have the ten mindful movements.『9words』



11、Be mindful of buttons, small batteries, twist ties, and rubber bands.『11words』

12、So it’s crucial that you’re also mindful to give your friends space.『12words』

13、Also, being mindful of our choices, such as the thing we do buy.『13words』

14、Be mindful when naming components and streams, so as to avoid this pitfall.『13words』

15、These rituals aren't the only time you should be mindful, but they're great reminders.『14words』

16、“The so-called mindful-eating strategies can fight distractions and help us control our appetite," Brunstrom says.『15words』

17、The practice of mindful consumption and mindful eating is the object of the Fifth Mindfulness Training.『16words』

18、If depression has affected your eating, you'll need to be extra mindful of getting the right nourishment.『17words』

19、If you're eating a fruit, taste it, feel the textures, be mindful of your hunger or lack of it.『19words』

20、To be mindful that the court is the servant of the people and its purpose is the administration of justice.『20words』



21、After being mindful of all these worries, I decided which ones I needed and which ones I could do without.『20words』

22、Obviously mindful of the publicity value of the situation, Journal editor George Lundberg appeared on TV to declare, "Age doesn't matter."『21words』

23、Perhaps mindful of these concerns, the folks behind the shanzhai sites appear to be taking some pains to distinguish themselves from [gm99nd] proper.『23words』

24、In a statement Shell said it was "mindful of significant biodiversity and heritage values of the Ningaloo region and plan to continue our operations accordingly".『25words』

25、Look for the business results of a more engaged, more mindful way of working, sustained by the kaizen spirit of every one, every where, all the time.『27words』

26、For the better part of a century, most biologists have been reluctant to use those words, mindful of a principle of evolution that says "evolution cannot run backwards".『28words』

27、And as we mark this occasion, we are also mindful of the empty chair in this Chamber, and pray for the health of our colleague - and our friend - Gabby Giffords.『32words』

28、I had stayed in a relative's apartment near Lake Constance. It was a small town, but all the residents were mindful of protecting the envionrment and the streets were all neat and clean.『33words』

29、There were solitary patches of road on the way between Soho and Clerkenwell, and Mr. Lorry, mindful of footpads, always retained Jerry for this service: though it was usually performed a good two hours earlier.『35words』

30、But we should also be mindful of the vision of those who drafted the Universal Declaration, that we also owe a duty to the community which nurtures and forms us, and without which our lives would be without substance."『39words』

