

1、shrews; moles; hedgehogs; tenrecs.『4words』

2、Well, neither can many moles.『5words』

3、I have moles of solvent.『5words』

4、And then, that produces 515 moles titanium.『7words』

5、Bump. Give accents to pimples, pore, wrinkles, moles.『8words』



6、It's the moles of products minus moles of reactants.『9words』

7、xA So it's the number of moles times xA.『9words』

8、This is some concentration unit, typically moles per liter.『9words』

9、Researchers studied moles on those aged between 12 and 50.『10words』

10、First, the volume is proportional to the number of moles.『10words』



11、If those moles carry on digging, there will soon be no grass left.『13words』

12、Former and potential dissidents are monitored by moles at their mainly public-sector workplaces.『13words』

13、It's the number of moles that have reacted divided by number of moles initially.『14words』

14、So if it's moles per liter, you usually write that with these brackets here.『14words』

15、Humans have a fovea for sight and star-nosed moles have a fovea for touch.『14words』

16、Also, moles or freckles that you had prior to pregnancy may become bigger and darker.『15words』

17、Patients can even send doctors photos of worrisome moles or slow-healing wounds by E-mail for remote diagnosis.『17words』

18、Because most individuals of the type called talpid moles also apparently have six fingers on each foot.『17words』

19、The silly moles had not the sense to see that they did not need a door apiece.『17words』

20、The molar concentration of a solution, usually expressed as the number of moles of solute per liter of solution.『19words』



21、Factors not associated with the rate of growth were the number of atypical moles or age spots or lier spots;『20words』

22、Though moles are the bane of many lawn owners, they make a significant positive contribution to the health of the landscape.『21words』

23、And then we're going to need the total number of moles, because we're going to be doing mole ratios, mole fractions.『21words』

24、Examine your hide for moles once a month, says Stephen Webster, M.D., a clinical professor of dermatology at the University of Minnesota's school of medicine.『25words』

25、People with lots of moles, red hair, fair skin and a family history of the disease should take extra care as they are more at risk.『26words』

26、But in order for us to be back at work on Monday, we found ourselves driving the 400 moles back home to Los Angeles on Christmas day.『27words』

27、Those whose HCG of both the blood and the urine after hydatidiform moles did not drop to the normal level in 12 weeks were regarded as the malignant moles.『29words』

28、METHODS SEMT was performed to observe 90 cases with hydatidiform moles (60 cases with benign and 30 cases with invasive hydatidiform moles) and 10 cases with normal placental villis as the control.『32words』

29、Lecturing to a learned society of Berlin moles, the hero recounts the story of the people who tunnelled to get from one side of the wall to the bit of Berlin in the middle, which was surrounded.『37words』

30、“The number of moles of a solute in a litre of solution is its molarity (M); the number of moles of solute in 1,000 g of solvent is its molality (m). The two measures differ slightly and have different uses. "『41words』

