

1、The lawsuits are flying.『4words』

2、One that persistently instigates lawsuits.『5words』

3、Patent lawsuits looming with MPEG la.『6words』

4、Impartially handling lawsuits itself benefits the masses.『7words』

5、He was cited for settling lawsuits correctly.『7words』



6、Martin is considering lawsuits against Zhu kman.『7words』

7、The Profiler section is last, pending any NBC lawsuits.『9words』

8、The church attracted dozens of lawsuits, largely from ex-parishioners.『9words』

9、Most such lawsuits are contested at least early on.『9words』

10、That could help defuse the barrage of lawsuits facing it.『10words』



11、Literary lawsuits concerning human nature and class issues have elements of intentional use.『13words』

12、Bill Gates is still fighting with lawsuits. The source on wikipedia clearly stated that.『14words』

13、They previously have had class action lawsuits by community nose pickers which they have subsequently won.『16words』

14、Rosneft may face lawsuits from assorted Yukos shareholders, something the planned London listing may make easier.『16words』

15、Commonweal lawsuits are coming into realities and also becoming a hot topic in law and judicatory.『16words』

16、I specialize in big lawsuits. I'd rather have one lawsuit over land than a thousand divorce cases.『17words』

17、In recent years some media carried compliments of" One-dollar" compensation lawsuits, which, in fact, is encouraging lodging lawsuits.『18words』

18、“I do have concerns" about BP, Jindal said while sidestepping questions about potential lawsuits against the energy company.『18words』

19、Accuracy is important, both to serve the public and because untrue or libelous statements can lead to costly lawsuits.『19words』

20、With Microsoft having a hand in this deal, let's hope this won't end up causing another boatload of patent lawsuits.『20words』



21、The prevalence of amicus curiae in U. s. provides a lawful approach for psychologists to directly intervene with specific lawsuits.『20words』

22、In this way, lawsuits from angry employees who do not believe in religion may only be a matter of time or time.『22words』

23、It's a confusing tangle of lawsuits, but the bottom line is that the Winklevoss twins settled their case with Facebook years ago.『22words』

24、The company would continue recalling its cars over other safety issues, and hundreds of personal injury and wrongful death lawsuits are still pending.『23words』

25、China's current realization of functions of lawsuits is inadequate. The legal function of lawsuits realizes non-autonomously, and the social function of lawsuits realizes non-authoritatively.『24words』

26、We have stopped selling ZWCAD + in all markets, and we retract all prior statements suggesting that Autodesk's lawsuits lack merit and were brought for anti-competitive purposes.『27words』

27、In recent years Canada, Colombian Governors, Ecuador, the European Commission and nine EU Member States and Honduras and Belize have filed lawsuits against international tobacco companies for smuggling.『28words』

28、The lawsuits said that the label was misleading because it gave the impression that the products had been certified by a third party when the certification was the company's own.『30words』

29、While the number of lawsuits is still tiny, and users outside the US aren't yet being targeted, the threat of a million dollar fine is causing music fans to think twice before downloading the latest song.『36words』

30、Those verbs! They are terrible things. Nouns are definite, the names of persons or thins, but verbs cause all the trouble in the word. All lawsuits are about something coming between two nouns those verbs. --Carl Sandburg『37words』

