

1、A puddle astonishes us.『4words』

2、The boy jumped across the puddle.『6words』

3、Mind you don't tread in that puddle.『7words』

4、She tripped over and landed in puddle.『7words』

5、I fell in the puddle this morning.『7words』



6、 She tripped over and landed in puddle.『8words』

7、a mud pit; a slough; a muddy puddle『8words』

8、fell spang into the middle of the puddle.『8words』

9、The metaphorical puddle goes on; it swamps us.『8words』

10、The puddle is there, it will probably always be there.『10words』



11、He strided across several rain puddle on his way home.『10words』

12、For Shumlin, even a mud puddle can make for an adventure.『11words』

13、They turn in the skeins of white clouds like trash in a puddle.『13words』

14、There was an open space, and after that the storm became a puddle.『13words』

15、Nineveh is like a puddle, and the water inside it is becoming less and less.『15words』

16、A steady drip-drip-drip punctuated his words as snowmelt ran off his cloak to puddle on the floor.『17words』

17、As thousands of stranded motorists can attest, what looks like a small puddle can be much deeper.『17words』

18、Walking down a path through some woods in Georgia, I saw a water puddle ahead on the path.『18words』

19、The puddle section for heavy duty batteries must be at least the thickness of the base of the poststrap.『19words』

20、“Some soils lack porosity, so that they' re hard to cultivate, slow to absorb water, and inclined to puddle. "『20words』



21、FNPI - "cuddle puddle" -this nurturer tends to use its very personality as an emotional ointment for the troubles of their subject.『22words』

22、The geologic story the Opportunity read there always spoke of an ancient martian wasteland of windblown dunes pocked by the occasional acid-laced puddle.『23words』

23、As the mixture passes the puddle of liquid gasoline, the mixture picks up some of the fuel and carries it on into the cylinder.『24words』

24、There are classic cone-shaped ones and also volcanoes in the shape of a puddle or a lake with a blowing bubble in the middle.『24words』

25、Not far from the old house, there used to be a small puddle. On a warm summer afternoon, the sunshine always gave the puddle a different feeling.『27words』

26、On holidays, one could see often many Europeans going somewhere on vacations in limousines with their wives and kids, putting puddle-jumpers and other tourist necessities in the back.『28words』

27、She sat on the green grass like a puddle of mud, and she had no strength to stand up. Her eyes are always black and her gait is exhausted.『29words』

28、The Crown Prosecution Service states under the Road Traffic Act (1991) the offence of "careless, and inconsiderate, driving" does include driving through a puddle causing pedestrians to be splashed.『29words』

29、The story of Walter Raleigh who spread his cloak on the ground to keep Queen Elizabeth from the hardship of crossing a muddy puddle can qualify that nobleman for an award as a man of tact and good breeding.『39words』

30、I wandered aimlessly through the living room, picked up toys and blankets, casually glanced out of the window of the second balcony, and saw that a small puddle had formed on the ground, and the rain was not so urgent.『40words』

