

1、To develop or hasten mineral formation.『6words』

2、Write a charm to hastenhasten birth!"『7words』

3、To hasten to meet the honorable guest『7words』

4、I hasten to reply to your letter.『7words』

5、Please hasten them to send the sample.『7words』



6、“Three net fusions" are precisely the tidal current hasten.『9words』

7、Strengthen agricultural informatizition construction and application hasten primary products circulation;『10words』

8、Police and firemen continued to hasten evacuation of the hotel.『10words』

9、I will hasten and not delay to obey your commands.『10words』

10、In such cases, some doctors feel obliged to hasten death.『10words』



11、Barack Obama could hasten the spread of educating children at home.『11words』

12、There are, in theory, many ways to hasten recovery after a crisis.『12words』

13、Regard the sorrows and sufferings of others as yours and hasten to assuage them.『14words』

14、At the end of the day I hasten in fear lest thy gate be shut.『15words』

15、Grenoble will open her gates to him with enthusiasm — all Lyons will hasten to welcome him.『17words』

16、I hasten to handle lightning shrink back, and my heart thought: well, my mother has a fever!『17words』

17、The internet also helped to hasten his demise, after his famous post-speech shriek was widely mocked online.『17words』

18、I hasten to add, to anticipate possible misconception, that he was not the least of a charlatan.『17words』

19、Yes, yes, I know how good a son you are, so now hasten away to see your father.『18words』

20、Then said the LORD unto me, Thou hast well seen: for I will hasten my word to perform it.『19words』



21、There is no point whatsoever in carefully placing our valuable artifacts in paper or card that is going to hasten their demise.『22words』

22、A single night of taking the drug Ecstasy can cause serious brain damage and hasten the onset of Parkinson's disease, scientists say.『22words』

23、To hasten the development of science from the lab bench to the market place, UC is investing our own money in our own good ideas.『25words』

24、By doing so you will hasten the time when we can have a greater degree of contact with you, and we thank you for your patience.『26words』

25、A small amount added to the soaking water of beans will hasten the softening and cooking processes and reduce the beans' propensity to cause flatulence in the eater.『28words』

26、In other words, by pressing the pass paddle, the dolphin avoided having to wait and hasten the possibility of a full reward by moving directly to the next trial.『29words』

27、You grow old with age, looking at the vicissitudes of life hasten your face, but can not forget your original smile, if hidden, leaving only the most memorable tears.『29words』

28、Before you jump up and down, if you are a surviving gold bug, let me hasten to add that this does not imply a raging bull market the day after tomorrow.『31words』

29、I recall the request made during the January Executive Board, by a representative of the 53 countries in the African Union, to hasten the strengthening of core capacities to implement the IHR.『32words』

30、The melting has been recorded since 1979; scientists put the annual net loss of ice and water from the ice sheet at 300-400 gigatonnes, which could hasten a sea level rise of catastrophic proportions.『34words』

