

1、Some dorms have suites.『4words』

2、Some students live in the dorms.『6words』

3、Spend a night in the dorms.『6words』

4、I want to move into the dorms.『7words』

5、There's no women allowed in the dorms『7words』



6、Other dorms have rooms along a common hallway.『8words』

7、Harvard Yard with freshman dorms in the background.『8words』

8、Paul:I thought you loved living in the dorms.『8words』

9、Universities now have nicer dorms, gyms and dining facilities.『9words』

10、And finally, I must say that the dorms are top notch.『11words』



11、Did they eat at home or in dorms or did they go out?『13words』

12、The housing price in Beijing is daunting, but our dorms are well-decorated apartments.『13words』

13、First, most Chinese university dorms don't have any central heating systems or air-conditioning units.『14words』

14、Therefore, freedom-seeking students escape from the strictly managed dorms to rent apartments in nearby communities.『15words』

15、Many new college students subsist in dorms , and many of these dorms are coed .『16words』

16、When you are in BJU, take more lessons, play less computer games in dorms and sleep less.『17words』

17、Based on the countless dorms of Chinese classmates I visited over the years, disorderly rooms were quite common.『18words』

18、We are all exhausted and collapse into our dorms - but are woken suddenly by a fire alarm.『18words』

19、Some students asked to be allowed to move out of their dorms and live in rented houses near the school.『20words』

20、Recently, some students asked to be allowed to move out of their dorms and live in rented houses near the school.『21words』



21、Students at Beijing Institute of Technology hung national flags from the Windows and balconies of their dorms Monday to express their patriotism.『22words』

22、They pick a major to study and then unpack their belongings in dorms where they will spend either one week or one month.『23words』

23、Keep clean and tidy. No scrawling or nail-driving on the wall. No pets. No littering out of the window. Keep the dorms clean.『23words』

24、While there are many advantages of having a pet, keeping one in the dorms can be problematic because some students may be allergic to pets.『25words』

25、Boarders are forbidden to bring any dangerous objects or drugs into the dorms, including fuel, arsenic, thallium, MDMA, or amphetamines. Furthermore, pets are not allowed in the dorms.『28words』

26、The school dorm there is a bit old. The four-person dorms do not have their own toilets, so students have to share a public toilet in the corridor.『28words』

27、One consequence is never more obvious than at this time of year, when hundreds of thousands of college freshmen move into their dorms and promptly begin destroying their laundry.『29words』

28、Inside the dorms on Amirabad Street, students were trying to sleep, though nerves were jangling; just hours earlier several had been beaten in front of the main gate to the university.『31words』

29、Though figures for 2001 won't be out until next January, the 2000 numbers give a sharper picture of violence on college greens and in dorms - and offer administrators and parents reason for both concern and consolation.『37words』

30、And when you add in the single people who are living together but not married- everyone from college kids in dorms to young singles sharing apartments to unmarried couples - the number of singles in America soars.『37words』

