

1、are endowed with steel-like muscles,『5words』

2、She is endowed with grea musical.『6words』

3、endowed with feeling and unstructured consciousness.『6words』

4、She is richly endowed by nature.『6words』

5、He is endowed with indomitable will.『6words』



6、The boy was endowed by nature with genius.『8words』

7、Nature endowed her with intelligence as well as beauty.『9words』

8、You who are endowed with the ten transcendent powers.『9words』

9、For her Minerva aided and endowed with courage and discernment.『10words』

10、Few men are endowed with the brain of an Einstein.『10words』



11、Excellent news communication is endowed with the qualities of verity, objectivity and novelty.『13words』

12、The endowed meaning appears as an added value or symbolic value of the product.『14words』

13、Developing the base of power endowed with concentration founded on persistence& fabrications of exertion.『14words』

14、Meanwhile, brand names, which are endowed with cultural peculiarity, have a close relationship with culture.『15words』

15、we are told that man is endowed with reason and capable of distinguishing good from evil.『16words』

16、In human language, the color words are frequently used, and endowed with plentiful emotion and cultural connotation.『17words』

17、The development of tourism industry in Henan Province is richly endowed with natural resources, humanistic and distributive conditions.『18words』

18、Backed by the mountains and fronting the sea, the site is endowed with a pleasant view and natural surroundings.『19words』

19、She was not endowed with wisdom and keen observation, but she made a point of communicating with the learned persons.『20words』

20、He is endowed with a certain indescribable, unexpected joviality; he upsets the composure of the shopkeeper with his wild laughter.『20words』



21、The ultimate value of the network is endowed and realized by humans. Human subjectiveness is the premise for network's objective functions.『21words』

22、Tianshan, rivers, canyons, grasslands, sheep, carpet houses, herdsmen and tourists share the dream endowed by nature, and the dream of happiness Kuitun.『22words』

23、It can also be clearly stated in this essay that only when the artificial environment be endowed with ecological status can peo...『22words』

24、In daily communication, humor ameliorates personal relations, improves communicative atmosphere, but also is endowed with the symbol of personal wit, glamour and education.『23words』

25、Schiller is the esthetician who first made aesthetics to be systematization in its history, and it's also he who first endowed aesthetic education a function of salvation.『27words』

26、At the very beginning, I identify the definite article as the only determiner, while other prenominal elements take up different positions and each is endowed with a certain name.『29words』

27、The image of cloud in Chinese classical poetry has always been endowed with abundant symbolic meanings, representing a mixture of poets′ thoughts, feelings and cultural consciousness in a certain period.『30words』

28、Each brushstroke and every piece of paper I use is alive. It is filled with life and it ACTS as a muscle that moves. They are active and endowed with spirit "."『32words』

29、Mr Varney endowed Stan with all the lip and ebullience of his East End upbringing, and all the comic timing acquired from his years on the pub, club and variety circuit, which has now vanished.『35words』

30、Conquered by the Castilians in the12 th century, it became a royal town and bishopric endowed with important buildings, such as Spain's first Gothic cathedral, and the famous casas colgadas( hanging houses), suspended from sheer cliffs overlooking the Huecar river.『40words』

