go off造句,用go off怎么造句子(30句)

go off造句,用go off怎么造句子

1、The firecracker didn't go off.『5words』

2、The alarm had failed to go off.『7words』

3、What time do you go off duty?『7words』

4、Promise now. Rose, you never go off that, promise!『9words』

5、He fired but his pistol failed to go off.『9words』

go off造句,用go off怎么造句子(30句)

go off造句,用go off怎么造句子

6、And herring come and go off the coasts of Scotland.『10words』

7、I sometimes just seem to go off into a dream.『10words』

8、His latest record have really go off with a bang『10words』

9、Fourth - why did the recess bell go off 20 minutes early?『12words』

10、Cause I was just about to go off and have some sex myseIf.『13words』

go off造句,用go off怎么造句子(30句)

go off造句,用go off怎么造句子

11、The best players go off to the big clubs, leaving us the dross.『13words』

12、The street lights go on when it gets dark and go off at midnight.『14words』

13、The flight path would then either intersect the earth, or go off into space.『14words』

14、I usually isolate myself, go off into corners and think terribly hard about what I'm doing.『16words』

15、Consider other chances in your life where you could go off into the realms of new possibilities.『17words』

16、This track is notoriously hard on tyres, so when they go off here, they'll go off big time.『18words』

17、You'll just be spinning your wheels if you try to go off into 20 different directions at once.『18words』

18、A timer is set to go off every five seconds to move the show onto the next slide.『18words』

19、Or you go off the food plan, inhale two brownies, and go hungry for the rest of the day.『19words』

20、He will take up a profession and leave it, settle in one place and soon go off elsewhere with.『19words』

go off造句,用go off怎么造句子(30句)

go off造句,用go off怎么造句子

21、When the figurine hits the ground, the sound triggers the lights to go off for a fraction of a second.『20words』

22、It's a timepiece of such astonishing precision that people often wake up a few minutes before their alarm clocks go off.『21words』

23、They go off to a place to dream, dreaming because of and apropos of the music yet never quite listening to it.『22words』

24、She seemed to go off his nut. She grabbed the kid and shook him till his cap fell off and he began blubbering with fright.『25words』

25、He held the gun tightly; he wondered if he was holding it too tightly, so tightly that it would go off before he wanted it to.『26words』

26、Mr Thapar cites a European tradition, where the heirs to family businesses first go off to try their luck elsewhere, before returning to the family fold.『26words』

27、Planning ahead should eliminate wastage, but if you have surplus vegetables you'll do a vegetable soup, and all fruits threatening to "go off" will be cooked or juiced.『28words』

28、Eva: The bombs run off a timer. Once the timer has been set the countdown will begin. When the timer reaches zero the bombs will all go off at once.『30words』

29、Here's a new one: GM wants to take self-parking cars to a new level, letting them drop off their drivers and go off in search of empty Spaces on their own.『31words』

30、Its makers say that SpareOne is ideal to leave in the car for emergencies, or to pack in travel luggage - especially if you or your loved ones plan to go off the beaten track (or off-piste).『37words』

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