

1、She had a pained look.『5words』

2、Such remarks always pained him.『5words』

3、My heart often pained me.『5words』

4、You are pained by the testings.『6words』

5、We're pained to see such wastefulness.『6words』



6、This lapse of memory pained him.『6words』

7、It pained when he moved his arm.『7words』

8、This public acknowledgment of Ted's disability pained my mother.『9words』

9、It pained him that his father talked like that.『9words』

10、I could see his pained expression as he said this.『10words』



11、I love you so dense, you let me trampling pained.『10words』

12、Her little face went all out of shape in a pained blind smile『13words』

13、He banged his fist on his temples, which pained put improved his concentration.『13words』

14、It is to talk about money previously pained, now is not to talk pained.『14words』

15、Nancy and I are pained to the core by the tragedy of the shuttle Challenger.『15words』

16、It was with a pained, and proud, and indignant tone that Nydia made this humble reply.『16words』

17、The dark state to which her incurable passion for him had brought her now pained her terribly.『17words』

18、Tanya put on a pained look, as though the subject was too delicate to be spoken about.『17words』

19、It pained him to hear about his mother's words and watch the ruined silk and heart-stuck mother.『17words』

20、The pained animal's voice rasped on Scarlett's nerves until she was temped to stop and untie the beast.『18words』



21、When her mother has to go Laura is pained, cries a little, then quietly recovers and sits with pursed lips.『20words』

22、The posters show President Dmitry Medvedev holding a tennis racket, while Prime Minister Vladimir Putin is empty-handed and looking slightly pained.『21words』

23、If you felt pained by its being led without guilt to the place of death, what was there to choose between an ox and a sheep?『26words』

24、A little later, I watched Chloe walk back towards me across the hall, wearing what I later learnt was her usual pained and slightly anxious expression.『26words』

25、it pained me a good deal, and still bled freely; but it was neither deep nor dangerous, nor did it greatly gall me when I used my arm.『28words』

26、The outcry when USA Track and Field banned headphones in 2007 at sanctioned races like marathons was loud and pained (and the edict was widely ignored until it was revised last year).『32words』

27、“The latter departed, and at one o'clock reappeared, stunningly arrayed in a dark-blue walking dress, with a nobby hat to match. Carrie had gotten herself up charmingly enough, but this woman pained her by contrast."『35words』

28、Think that you are pained when being unlucky, in the god being calling you kindly, the god is ready to share your agony , he needs to help you to take place dying to enter a life!『37words』

29、As the train came closer to him, his heart pained and he fell to the ground, the train passing over his thin body. When it was gone, the man lay dead, with his memories carrying him to safety.『38words』

30、As an actor, Tony Blair has generally been hailed as a master of pained sincerity, but his latest declaration of war on yobs shows that this versatile talent lends itself just as well to long stints in rep as it does to one-off celebrity specials.『45words』

