

1、Toward evening, I started sneezing.『5words』

2、Coughing, sore throats, sniffling, and sneezing.『6words』

3、I'm sneezing and my nose is running.『7words』

4、I am talking, of course, about sneezing.『7words』

5、sneezing and coughing of the common cold.『7words』



6、People have been sneezing in the front row.『8words』

7、The hormones associated with pregnancy can cause sneezing.『8words』

8、It was just as if somebody was sneezing.『8words』

9、Germs are most commonly spread by sneezing and coughing.『9words』

10、Blowing your nose, coughing or sneezing into your hands.『9words』



11、The sudden appearance of a symptom such as coughing or sneezing.『11words』

12、These gases can also act as sensory irritants to produce tears or sneezing.『13words』

13、People get bunched up in lines, where there is plenty of coughing and sneezing.『14words』

14、His popularity reached celebrity status when a YouTube video of him sneezing was published.『14words』

15、Which may be some comfort next time someone's sneezing near you on the subway.『14words』

16、Masks are common on subways because it is considered rude to lack one if you are sneezing.『17words』

17、First up, coughing, sneezing, fever, running nose, there is nothing unusual about that staff this time a year.『18words』

18、Initial contact with mite droppings may have resulted in annoying symptoms of repeated sneezing or a constant runny nose.『19words』

19、Love is like sneezing, it is always inadvertent to fight out, intentional to fight but always can not fight.『19words』

20、Snoring cats hate sneezing because when Guess Dog sneezes, she feels her nose itching as if she wants to sneeze.『20words』



21、The manifestations of allergy—sneezing, wheezing, itching, and rashes—are signs of an immune system running amok, attacking foreign invaders that normally mean no harm.『23words』

22、“Excruciating pains Begin in the throat and radiate to the ears or down the neck, with or without a trigger (e.g., sneezing, yawning, chewing)."『24words』

23、At first, the rough machine just took pictures like Watt's sneezing, Carmensian dance, Italian pianist's game with monkeys, or the gesture of a person smoking a cigar.『27words』

24、Romance is like sneezing; you always sneeze spontaneously but can not make it painstakingly.( Love doesn't belong to hot-pursuit hunter but those who are willing to wait.『27words』

25、Bacteria are carried by various "media", which can include raw food, moist surfaces where bacteria have been left, our hands or skin and from coughing or sneezing.『27words』

26、Many cat lovers live with a dilemma: they want to pick up the animals and hold them close, but if they do, their eyes will swell up and they'll start sneezing.『31words』

27、Gregory who first said, "God bless you", after others sneezed, because in his time there was a deadly disease, and sneezing was a sign that the sneezer might have caught the disease.『32words』

28、If you are one of those people who are sensitive to this change, you will probably experience the symptoms of sneezing, itchy and watery eyes, stuffy or runny noses and scratchy throats.『32words』

29、 Neighbours roared with joy, poems, whispers, snoring, sneezing, soup sucking, paper tearing and peeling shoes, all of which rippled from the cracks in the walls of doors and windows at any time, breaking my silence.『36words』

30、The seeds sleeping in the soil, unable to withstand the warm touch of the spring sun, can not help sneezing, a stimulus opened the loose sleeping eyes, but happy to find that spring has quietly come around.『37words』

