

1、convene [summon] a parliament『4words』

2、The tribunal will convene tomorrow.『5words』

3、The new Congress will convene in January.『7words』

4、Congress will convene again in the fall.『7words』

5、We'd convene probably at least every week.『7words』



6、The committee will convene at 11.30 next Thursday.『8words』

7、We'd convene some of the most senior members.『8words』

8、I don't think the meeting will convene tomorrow.『8words』

9、The promoters shall convene a founding meeting within thirty days.『10words』

10、The United Statesand China decided to convene the U.S.-China Legal Experts Dialogueat anearly date.『14words』



11、Article 19 The board of directors shall convene at least one meeting every year.『14words』

12、In 1996 it became the first company to convene a summit meeting on American education.『15words』

13、While we in government can lead, and convene, and even cajole, we can't do it all.『16words』

14、The United States and China decided to convene the U.S.-China Legal Experts Dialogue at anearly date.『16words』

15、The international council could convene as early as June to review the proposed changes to the exhibition;『17words』

16、At the end of the call, Chan decided to convene the so-called Emergency Committee the next morning.『17words』

17、In September, the General Assembly will convene a High-level Meeting on the prevention and control of non-communicable diseases.『18words』

18、He would ask his policy advisers to convene the top experts in a given field for a dinner.『18words』

19、The Chairman may convene an interim meeting in accordance with a proposal made by one-third of the total number of directors.『21words』

20、It is the responsibility of the party receiving the protest to convene the Appeals Jury and deposit the protest sum with the Treasurer.『23words』



21、Should the chairman be unable to convene the meeting, he shall authorize a vice-chairman or another director to convene and preside at the meeting.『24words』

22、I have decided to convene an urgent high-level consultation on this issue, which will take place in this room from 27 to 28 February.『24words』

23、The United States will ask the U.N. Security Council to convene on February the 5th to consider the facts of Iraq's ongoing defiance of the world.『26words』

24、U. S. Treasury Secretary Henry Paulson also plans to convene a special meeting on Saturday of finance ministers and central bank chiefs from 20 industrial and developing countries.『28words』

25、The board of directors shall meet periodically and shall convene interim meetings in a timely manner when necessary. Each board of directors meeting shall have a pre-decided agenda.『28words』

26、(4) to convene a national salvation conference, representing all parties, groups, sections of the population and armies, to decide on the policy of resisting Japan and saving the nation;『29words』

27、To facilitate a broad and open discussion around these topics, the symposium will convene expert investigators from the HIV-1 vaccine field as well as a number of basic immunologists.『29words』

28、Article 56 the board of supervisors shall convene a meeting at least once a year, and the supervisors may propose to convene an interim meeting of the board of supervisors.『30words』

29、The Fund manager shall decide whether or not to convene such meeting and inform the Fund custodian in writing within10 days of the date of receipt of the written proposal.『30words』

30、If approved by the upper house, the upgrade means the country's defense minister will be able to convene cabinet meetings, push new legislation and have greater control over the national defense budget.『32words』

