

1、Creative stunts can sometimes help.『5words』

2、He did all his own stunts.『6words』

3、He performs riding stunts in the circus.『7words』

4、Don't try any of those daredevil stunts.『7words』

5、Perhaps that was how he conceived new stunts『8words』



6、Do not try any of those daredevil stunts.『8words』

7、The meeting opened with the regular weekly "stunts."『8words』

8、The pioneering work of hitherto unknown unique matchless stunts『9words』

9、Malnutrition stunts her pupils' growth and hampers their concentration.『9words』

10、The air trapeze stunts were very breathtaking, and the audience was stunned.『12words』



11、Zoos and circuses that feature stunts involving animals are widely popular across China.『13words』

12、Spectacular stunts, such as rolls and loops, performed in an airplane or glider.『13words』

13、They were going to have to test their courage by performing daredevil stunts.『13words』

14、Their problems and their irritating stunts provide a reliable source of conversation for everyone they know.『16words』

15、Hong Kong actor Jackie Chan, famous for his daredevil stunts, says he's frustrated by Hollywood's safety rules.『17words』

16、The only ones who didn't get the treasures and stunts were the myna Princess and the peacock prince.『18words』

17、Such stunts happen at the murkier end of internet commerce: for instance, to extort money from an online casino.『19words』

18、The Sao monk learned many fancy stunts by himself, always looking for opportunities to show off one or two.『19words』

19、However, testability has rarely been a consideration for legacy code, and consequently, you have to pull stunts like this one.『20words』

20、December 2004, Kelishihuici director has resigned the post that he needs too much because the film stunts are infinitely frustrating challenges.『21words』



21、I use my own stunt team because they have experienced, and I trust them to make the action and stunts safe.『21words』

22、This not only stunts the prospects for women, but also reduces economic growth by essentially hobbling half the potential labour force.『21words』

23、Achilles Heel: Lara’s a total thrillseeker, and her lack of reserve when it comes to death-defying stunts could be the end of her.『23words』

24、but she took one look at the long shooting schedule and the militaristic discipline for getting into shape for the stunts and politely declined.『24words』

25、Their appeal wears off quickly and as powerful as marketing stunts can be, you shouldn't rely on them as a long-term strategy or as your only marketing effort.『28words』

26、These unconventional stunts aim to be interactive, thought-provoking, or downright weird - whatever it takes to get your attention and make you remember the brand or product it's promoting.『29words』

27、My work as an artist takes me all around the world and I have to do some dangerous stunts. Life can be unpredictable so I made some arrangements in advance.『30words』

28、A movie like Date Night encourages Hollywood comedy to occasionally dial down, and realize that comedy emerges from characters and situations and can't be manufactured from manic stunts and overkill.『30words』

29、One of the showiest stunts that some languages can pull off is an ability to build up words of breath-breaking length, and thus express in one word what English takes a whole sentence to say.『35words』

30、So I got to do these really cool stunts where I got to actually run and then they'd hook me up on wires and I'd jump up in the air and then I'd come to a jolting stop and have to hang there for a bit.『46words』

