

1、Throughout history men have waged war.『6words』

2、and part-time, minimum-waged, pensionless, casual jobs.『6words』

3、The North waged war on the South.『7words』

4、The controversy waged for a few years.『7words』

5、He waged a long war against poverty.『7words』



6、They were waged by levies of common people.『8words』

7、But the fight against intellectual-property theft is waged hard.『9words』

8、This was a campaign being waged in the country.『9words』

9、Also, us low waged people has Medicare and so on.『10words』

10、The Students' Union waged a campaign against waste on the campus.『11words』



11、The Chinese people waged a dauntless struggle for one hundred years.『11words』

12、We also waged a battle for the minds and hearts of our children.『13words』

13、The inevitable result was the ten years' war waged by the Red Army.『13words』

14、This republican leadership has waged 78 philibasters filibusters and we still have 6 months to go .『17words』

15、Although geographically the war involves the whole country, it is not being waged by the whole nation.『17words』

16、People who've waged successful job searches can be an invaluable resource when you're looking for a job.『17words』

17、For seven months now, the NAACP has waged a determined and well-chronicled crusade against the major television networks.『18words』

18、If that means the end of the century, the struggle will have to be waged daily for 18 years.『19words』

19、Based on the lives improved, the peasant workers need to learn technical knowledge, transmit into high-waged and high-qualified workers.『19words』

20、China's battle against stubbornly high inflation is part of a wider war being waged by central Banks across emerging markets.『20words』



21、Countlesss arguments have been waged over the superiority of one beverage over the other. But what does the scientific evidence say?『21words』

22、Ultimately, these small and flexible warships in 1588years of British west sea battle waged in Britain, the sign the rise of sea.『22words』

23、History shows us that many wars have been waged because "one country was robbing another country", and there have certainly been no lack of subsequent imitators.『26words』

24、Yumu Village used to be the military fortress of a chieftain, in an era when chieftains in different villages waged war against each other to expand their territory.『28words』

25、And in the days of Saul they waged war against the Hagrites, who fell into their hand. And they lived in their tents throughout all the region east of Gilead.『30words』

26、We can turn a big "encirclement and suppression" campaign waged by the enemy against us into a number of small, separate campaigns of encirclement and suppression waged by us against the enemy.『32words』

27、The most striking example was the struggle against the looting of grain waged in combatting the enemy's fifth "campaign for tightening public security", which completely thwarted the enemy's plan for storing grain.『32words』

28、She waged fierce war against her dear papa; she led her parent what is usually called for want of a better figure of speech, the life of a dog. (Ch. Dickens, Martin Chuzzlewit)『33words』

29、For national salvation and self emancipation, Chinese women, along with the entire nation, waged a dauntless struggle that lasted for over a century. They also launched a succession of movements for women's liberation.『33words』

30、“In the course of the 20th century, we Asian people waged unyielding struggles to win national independence and liberation, get rid of poverty and backwardness and bring about development and prosperity, scoring remarkable achievements step. "『36words』

