

1、His voice seemed full of vigour.『6words』

2、music, poetry, etc of tremendous vigour『6words』

3、He worked with renewed vigour and determination.『7words』

4、Now 80, Mr Cooper's vigour is undimmed.『7words』

5、He's still full of vigour for his age.『8words』



6、This dramatic vigour is the chief strength of Puritan writing.『10words』

7、Would a French company have been pursued with such vigour『10words』

8、Venture capital resulted in vigour and motive power for Linktone.『10words』

9、We must enhance the vigour and enthusiasm of the people.『10words』

10、They are particularly vulnerable to high mutation rates, which undermine genetic vigour.『12words』



11、How can this world be full of vigour and vigour and love for others?『14words』

12、Tests proved that rare earth has physiological activeness and can stimulate vigour of organism.『14words』

13、Three EU members still defend banking secrecy: Austria, Luxembourg and (with less vigour) Belgium.『14words』

14、The report suggests that WHO responded with insufficient vigour to criticism that questioned its integrity.『15words』

15、Melville, like Whitman, has a fullness and vigour that appear foreign to the New England Temperament.『16words』

16、The job of reconciling tribal factions in post-Qaddafi Libya is likely to be contested with equal vigour.『17words』

17、Shanghai is a great city brimming with vigour and vitality and witnessing new changes all the time.『17words』

18、The continued growth of energy demand requires that energy resources must be developed with the utmost vigour.『17words』

19、Do not panic and do not disturb people, not heartless, not long with vigour and vitality to keep.『18words』

20、Kuafu's was a irrational spirit of vigour and enterprise, while Nüwa's was a rational spirit of gentleness and lenity.『19words』



21、And once a company loses its youthful vigour, it behoves the founder to leave, watch it suffer, then return as saviour.『21words』

22、Emily is a Londoner born and bred and, for a woman some years past the allotted span, of a truly remarkable vigour and alertness.『24words』

23、Peanut seeds (Yueyou 116) having been treated with methanol for 1 h have lower vigour, with the vigour index being 29% of that in control.『25words』

24、“This is a culture of harmony, coherence, vigour, stamina and continuity. It has outlived all the other ancient civlisations, which have withered or disappeared. "『25words』

25、These works impress through a kind of visual vigour and vitality, evident in a forceful brushwork and bold and quick grasping of the painting object.『25words』

26、A gifted debater should always be full of passion and vigour and never interrupts or even quarrels with his opponent, but responds rapidly with remarkable logical argument.『27words』

27、We took standard germinative test, cold germinative test, hot germinative test and field germinative test( CK) to test different maize variety seed vigour, to look for better test method of maize seed vigour.『33words』

28、We should maintain the same vigour, the same revolutionary enthusiasm and the same death-defying spirit we displayed in the years of the revolutionary wars and carry our revolutionary work through to the end.『33words』

29、After returning to the Mongolian Plateau, Emperor Yuanshun still had considerable strength and continued to be called Emperor Yuanshun, which was still full of vigour and posed a great threat to the emerging Ming Dynasty.『35words』

30、To be a light woman, not to be impetuous, not to fight or to rob, not to care for flashy matters. Instead of pursuing, just do not insist, and live a life of indifference, do not be vigour and vigour, and seek peace and security.『45words』

