

1、Access was via a narrow archway.『6words』

2、Venerable oaks forms a sylvan archway.『6words』

3、The archway has been glassed over『6words』

4、The old man stumbled near the archway.『7words』

5、The flowers formed an archway above his head.『8words』



6、It is the largest extant ancient memorial archway in China.『10words』

7、There is an archway on the way to the airport.『10words』

8、West Street, the new dry dock stone archway, quite momentum.『10words』

9、Vanamee, hidden in the deep shadow of the archway, did not move.『12words』

10、Now, we can see a huge and beautiful archway built in ancient style.『13words』



11、From the square step up, facing is a four-handed and three-handed stone archway.『13words』

12、In my opinion, it is more a memorial archway than a stockaded building.『13words』

13、Bitch is the pass of the archway, and the archway is the epitaph of the bitch.『16words』

14、At the south end of the street, opposite the magnificent wooden archway, is the ancient stage.『16words』

15、At present, pedestrians are not allowed to walk through the archway. The West Town Building has been protected.『18words』

16、When night hides her body's flaws calling under her brown shawl from an archway where dogs have mired.『18words』

17、In front of the archway, people come to watch the peach blossom flow, which is a surge of people.『19words』

18、Looking down from the stone archway by the Second Heavenly Gate, I experienced mingled sensations of pride and fear.『19words』

19、“Forgetting Keqing in his delight, Baoyu followed the goddess to a stone archway inscribed: Illusory Land of Great Void. "『20words』

20、The palace was a little less than it sounded, a narrow Palladian facade, mossy steps, a dark archway of rusticated stone.『21words』



21、From the archway to Butterfly Spring, there are 100 meters. Marbles are used around the Spring Pool to form enlarged fences.『21words』

22、The sunset rose, bright red eyes, sunset lower than the archwayarchway higher than the sky, dark and cloudy, like to press down.『23words』

23、Chang'an Avenue, from Changan left gate to Dongdan archway, East Chang'an Avenue, from Changan right gate to Xidan archway, called West Chang'an Avenue.『23words』

24、In architecture, a keystone in an archway or doorway is the stone that holds the whole thing together, and keeps it from collapsing.『23words』

25、Close your eyes and look again. The sky is darker. The stone pillars of the archway become long feet, with long heads and narrow mouths.『25words』

26、There are too few places with words in the countryside. I think the memorial archway should have words. Looking at them one by one, there are no words.『28words』

27、Behind the city wall is the Huiyuan Garden, where crowds are swirling. When night falls, street lights set off against the powder wall, Daiwa and the Xu Guo archway.『29words』

28、Left the Mogao Grottoes, drove more than 70 kilometers, turned over a few mountain beams, a Han archwayarchway, the frontier fortress stood majestic, standing in front of the eyes, several scenic and high hanging archway.『35words』

29、 Sanxiang Wu Museum is located in the main street of Beimen, Changsha Palace, Sanjin Flower Hall, two halls inside and outside, exercise room, Xiwu Ping, red brick high wall, Zhu lacquer gate, archway high, very magnificent.『37words』

30、Out of the corridor, a square of nearly 100 square meters, west of the square, a large archway was erected. The three big characters in the middle of the archway were very conspicuous under the lamplight: the showcase hall.『39words』

