

1、To encroach, infringe, or trespass.『5words』

2、Violate(or infringe upon) sb.'s privacy『5words』

3、Counterfeit goods infringe customers' legal rights.『6words』

4、to intrude upon, infringe, encroach on, violate.『7words』

5、No mountains infringe on the curve .『7words』



6、Such as: does CP21 infringe their patent claims?『8words』

7、We'd better not infringe any of the rules.『8words』

8、People fear that security cameras could infringe personal liberties.『9words』

9、He occasionally infringe the law by parking near a junction.『10words』

10、They said that compulsory identity cards would infringe civil liberties.『10words』



11、We will never allow anybody to infringe on China's territorial integrity and sovereignty.『13words』

12、In reader services, libraries collect readers' information and may infringe their privacy right.『13words』

13、It can also infringe someones patents... (however I don't know anything about it).『13words』

14、That we thereby infringe on the freedom of would-be robbers we neither deny nor regret.『15words』

15、If the translation versions infringe on the other's copyright, in general, what civil liabilities will you undertake?『17words』

16、No unit or individual shall infringe on and occupy, buy and sell or illegally transfer land in other forms.『19words』

17、A jury in Marshall, Texas, concluded that the company's Taxus Express and Taxus Liberte stents infringe on Saffran's patents.『19words』

18、We do not knowingly link to websites that may infringe on valid and existing trademarks, service marks, Copyrights or patents.『20words』

19、The new regulations do not specify any penalties for smokers who infringe the ban or business owners who let them.『20words』

20、It investigates complaints and takes action against the manufacturing, distribution, sale and import and export of goods which infringe intellectual property rights.『22words』



21、The European Commission gave BA and Iberia the green light to proceed with a merger, ruling that the deal would not infringe competition rules.『24words』

22、In the field of personal right, Internet has made it is easy to infringe on the civil subject's reputation right and the right to privacy.『25words』

23、Authors and other holders of copyright on titles also worry that it will infringe their rights and harm their ability to profit from their work.『25words』

24、Also, your landlord could infringe on your lifestyle — e.g., complaining about the level of noise from parties and the number of guests who park at your place.『28words』

25、Want to infringe upon the ah, want to grab her on stage, by in the corner, watching her fear of curtain by a large audience discovered cases infringe upon her.『30words』

26、The original article published in this site in principle, but the author does not rule out plagiarism, as in this article infringe on your rights, you can connect with us!『30words』

27、In the event the resolutions of shareholders meetings or the resolutions of the board of directors are in breach of laws and administrative regulations or infringe on shareholders legal interests and rights『32words』

28、In private, some executives accuse Mr Allen of behaving like a "patent troll"-a name given to firms that buy up patents solely in order to squeeze money out of companies that allegedly infringe them.『34words』

29、Those who take advantage of the disability of the disabled to infringe upon their personal rights or other legitimate rights and interests and thus commit a criminal act will be punished severely according to law.『35words』

30、In practice, the illegal act ions of the state administrative agencies, judicatory department and the personn el infringe upon citizens not only materially but also mentally, and the mental infringements are sometimes more severe than material infringements.『37words』

