

1、A vet dispatched the injured cow.『6words』

2、We're going to hitchhike to the vet.『7words』

3、Immediately transport the dog to a vet.『7words』

4、Working as a vet is not easy, either.『8words』

5、Santa Claus brings poor Rudolph to the vet.『8words』



6、Bert took his Saint Bernard to the vet .『9words』

7、“You're welcome, old girl," the vet said, shaking it.『9words』

8、Immobilize the dog and take them to a vet immediately.『10words』

9、The cat looks pretty sick; you should call in the vet.『11words』

10、A vet (a special doctor for animals) takes care of sick animals.『12words』



11、One vet has drowned his wife's dog, and later drowns her in a bathtub.『14words』

12、Therefore, it's sometimes hard to diagnose an infestation without taking your pet to the vet.『15words』

13、You can obtain a pyrethrin shampoo from your vet , who will instruct you in its use.『17words』

14、To determine this problem, your vet will put a stain in the eye to color the tears.『17words』

15、We are fed, housed, we have a little money for extras like cat food and vet bills.『17words』

16、Calling ahead to let the vet know what the dog has eaten helps the vet prepare for the emergency.『19words』

17、Christopher and Daniel helped me sponge him down and get him to the vet,but my diagnosis proved too accurate.『19words』

18、When he pulled up outside the clinic, the vet bundled Snoopy in a sweater and carried her to the car.『20words』

19、Another keeper and a vet flew with the animals to make sure they suffered no ill effects from the journey.『20words』

20、Bau decided to become a vet after his pet dog saved him from a poisonous snake when he was a child.『21words』



21、Agricultural scientist, conservationist, doctor, geologist, meteorologist, pharmacist, vet... the list of jobs where a qualification in chemistry is considered essential is endless.『22words』

22、The vet looked at the woman and said, "I'm sorry, but as I said, this is most definitely, 100% certifiably, a dead duck."『23words』

23、and he went on to pass several more interviews, vet visits and discipline tests with flying colors. He was now an official hospital volunteer.『24words』

24、The article discusses the beasts basic recognize about China vet medicine from its grow history, puts forward trait of research means in China vet medicine.『25words』

25、Squealing brakes announced he had chased one too many squirrels into the street. The accident fractured his left hind leg, which the vet put in a splint.『27words』

26、However, in a place where the villagers rarely visit the doctor, they all thought I was insane for taking seven puppies an hour-and-a-half away to see a vet.『28words』

27、He went to college, but soon found out that to be a vet just for dogs was impossible during that time. Mostly, vets helped heal horses, cows, sheep and pigs.『30words』

28、But he was still worried - that the footage would be leaked, that critics would eviscerate it, that Snowden wouldn't like it. "I want him to vet it," he said.『30words』

29、Yet he eats well every day, has a lovely little home, gets taken to the vet when he needs it, enjoys plenty of friends who love him, and has everything he needs to be happy.『35words』

30、'Well, you must make him a big cardboard collar, 'said the vet. 'One that sticks out right round his neck, so that his paw can't get near that cut, however much he tries to reach it.『36words』

