

1、To make or envision as ideal.『6words』

2、I cannot envision him as president.『6words』

3、We will envision this outcome with you.『7words』

4、I began to envision my own business.『7words』

5、They didn't envision any problems with the new building.『9words』



6、Also, you need to envision who your users are.『9words』

7、In the future we envision a federation of companies.『9words』

8、Now envision what's keeping you from reaching your goal.『9words』

9、I could envision some nice sidequests involving friendly and hostile spirits.『11words』

10、What role do tea party activists envision playing in the 2010 elections?『12words』



11、These people could envision the final system from the outset of a project.『13words』

12、Joe, when you envision the fight taking place, do you envision knocking out lacy.『14words』

13、What my mother could envision was a future in which I made my own choices.『15words』

14、Can you envision these values being as valid100 years from now as they are today?『15words』

15、We can already envision the drama on the set: the passion, the intensity... and that molten stare.『17words』

16、2Train envision ability of the students, and innovation ability, transpire their thoughts. To cultivate students' practice ability.『17words』

17、The capacity to envision the future relies partly on the hippocampus, a brain structure that is crucial to memory.『19words』

18、Being able to envision future scenarios helps foster strategic planning and resist immediate rewards in favor of longer-term gains.『19words』

19、We can envision two hypotheses: the first one consists of betting that this process of narcissistic capitalization will intensify.『19words』

20、Our task now is to envision those lives, envision them with such practical clarity that we gain the power to build them.『22words』



21、We envision the camera becoming so small that it integrates into clothing, such as the button of a shirt, a brooch, or a pendant.『24words』

22、Nor did the Whigs envision any conflict in society between farmers and workers on the one hand and business people and bankers on the other.『25words』

23、MR. CHEN: Like the German Army's innovation of Blitzkrieg with the tank, how does the U.S. Army envision the use of today's technology for RMA advances?『26words』

24、Some futurists envision nanotechnology also being used to explore the deep sea in small submarine, or even to launch finger-sized rockets packed with micro miniature instruments.『26words』

25、With this special double issue, we've reached beyond the fray to envision China, India and the U. S. evolving into a global triumvirate that will dominate the century.『28words』

26、IQ tests ask you to complete verbal and visual analogies, to envision paper after it has been folded and cut, and to deduce numerical sequences, among other similar tasks.『29words』

27、The minute I say dark, leafy vegetable, most people envision a cluster of spinach. There aremany other variations of dark leafies that include collard greens, kale, and even romaine.『29words』

28、You can envision the wealth created by a startup as a rectangle, where one side is the number of users and the other is how much you improve their lives.『30words』

29、The original blueprint for the human form was for conscious dreaming, in which each would consciously envision that which was desired to be made manifest and then bring it to fruition through the act of intention.『36words』

30、The massive structure may be hard to make out, as it looks like a blur on the screen, but if you envision a pyramid and squint while looking at the area it might appear in front of your eyes.『39words』


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