

1、The whaling voyage was welcome.『5words』

2、Why Japan's whaling activities are not research?『7words』

3、It is the whaling stations that are now extinct.『9words』

4、The international community agreed to ban whaling,with some exception.『9words』

5、Press Release: Controversial whaling proposal fails at global meeting.『9words』



6、The commission is calling for a global ban on whaling.『10words』

7、The IWC voted to uphold the ban on commercial whaling.『10words』

8、But early whaling was restricted by primitive tools and whaling techniques.『11words』

9、A South Atlantic sanctuary, barred to all whaling, would be rigorously enforced.『12words』

10、New reports of the clash suggested the anti-whaling activists had been to blame.『13words』



11、Whether the results from scientific whaling are useful for stock management has also been questioned.『15words』

12、Seitzerland is a member of the IWC, a country not known for its whaling history.『15words』

13、But with the 2009 IWC meeting looming, it is worth rehearsing the arguments against scientific whaling.『16words』

14、One of seven grenades thrown at the anti-whaling vessel is thought to have exploded on deck.『16words』

15、Letters sent from the North Pole or remote whaling stations are particularly in vogue at the moment.『17words』

16、The Japanese whaling fleet is warning environmentalists to stay away from its Southern Ocean hunt this year.『17words』

17、Photo4: the wreck of the catcher boat Petrel lies stranded at the abandoned whaling station of Grytviken.『17words』

18、The hunt is permitted by the IWC*, but opponents say Japan's research is commercial whaling in disguise.『17words』

19、And then comes whaling and dolphin-slaying, where the cultural gap with much of the Western world appears at its widest.『20words』

20、The Japanese had offered earlier to send the men back to their ship, if the protesters would stop harassing the whaling fleet.『22words』



21、The challenge ahead of the International whaling Commission - or IWC - is to get pro - and anti-whaling nations to find common ground.『24words』

22、Moreover, he threw himself into an important friendship, at a time when he had probably written one draft of his sixth book, on whaling.『24words』

23、There has always been an element of theatre to the meetings of the IWC, which was set up in1946 to regulate whaling around the world.『25words』

24、There has always been an element of theatre to the meetings of the IWC, which was set up in 1946 to regulate whaling around the world.『26words』

25、But with every passing year, pro-whaling nations have been gaining ground: last year, for the first time, they persuaded a narrow majority to vote for a resumption of whaling.『29words』

26、It is hard to track the blue whale, the ocean's largest creature, which has almost been killed off by commercial whaling and is now listed as an endangered species.『29words』

27、A town of eastern Rhode Island on Narragansett Bay southeast of Providence.In the18th and19th centuries its port was a base for slave trading, privateering, whaling, and shipbuilding.Population, 21, 625.『29words』

28、The Japanese Institute of Cetacean research, which carries out whaling in the name of research, sells whale meat to local municipalities for school lunches at one-third of the market price.『30words』

29、Japan plans to double its whale catch in the northwest Pacific Ocean and add sea whales to the list, a government official said, rebuffing international criticism of the country's whaling program.『31words』

30、In January a vessel belonging to the sea Shepherd Conservation Society, a group that tries to disrupt Japanese whaling on the high seas, was badly damaged in a collision with a Japanese whaling ship.『34words』

