

1、Don't stand around gaping.『4words』

2、A gaping wound;a gaping hole.『5words』

3、Dad is gaping at me.『5words』

4、What are you gaping at?『5words』

5、The act or an instance of gaping.『7words』



6、He stood yawning, his pyjama jacket gaping open.『8words』

7、Scabs are finally growing over Wall Street's gaping wounds.『9words』

8、Exports are doing well, shrinking the gaping current-account deficit.『9words』

9、Ron was gaping at him; Hermione sat up, looking worried.『10words』

10、He looks down at the gaping void at his feet『10words』



11、The never-completed toilets were gaping holes that had to be covered.『11words』

12、He was not the type to wander around gaping at everything like a tourist.『14words』

13、It maximizes effective frequency sculpting without harshness or gaping holes in the audio spectrum.『14words』

14、Repetition of terms such as "strategic" could not hide a gaping absence of strategic thought.『15words』

15、He went slowly down the hill on stiff legs, his mouth gaping open and closed.『15words』

16、a bog orchid with usually a solitary fragrant magenta pink blossom with a wide-gaping corolla; Canada.『16words』

17、My motivation comes from more confidence instead of need or wanting to fill a gaping hole in me.『18words』

18、To start with, he had only one eye, and where the other should have been was a gaping hole.『19words』

19、The weak link: County employees had been logging into the network through their home computers, leaving a gaping security hole.『20words』

20、All he can say is, This is his shirt. He holds out an arm so she can see the gaping sleeve.『21words』



21、When of a sudden death came and in a moment made a gaping rent in its smooth-seeming fabric, I was utterly bewildered.『22words』

22、 The sick, warm body, cold feet, strong neck, cold aversion, hot head, red face, red eyes, one-headed shaking, gaping, back tension, spasms.『23words』

23、It felt like we had forcibly ripped apart the universe and were now staring at a gaping black hole where our powerful weapon used to exist.『26words』

24、A normal person would have run for it at this sight, but Great grandma stood there gaping at the spot where the man had dropped off.『26words』

25、I chuckled to myself at how my mind had twisted the situation…We left the door unnailed, just resting against the gaping hole, and continued on with the day.『28words』

26、I mused on the funeral day, the coffin, the hearse, the black train of tenants and servants — few was the number of relatives — the gaping vault, the silent church, the solemn service.『34words』

27、Not a village, not a human being, not a tree, not a blade of grass — the only breaks in the monotonous whiteness are gaping cracks which in places show the layer of moist, black clay underneath.『37words』

28、And if FIFA is so inclined to be part of the solution and (for once) not part of the problem, well, this one's a ball sitting on the grass in front of a gaping goalmouth, goalie nowhere to be seen.『40words』

29、The pistol I had heard had doubtless been fired at her. The shot had frightfully lacerated her throat, leaving two gaping wounds from which, as well as the mouth, the blood was pouring in floods and she was stone dead.『40words』

30、He was as tall as a tree, with a head as big as the roof of a house and eyes as big as dishes. He had two big yellow tusks sticking out of his gaping white mouth filled with ugly brown teeth.『42words』


上一篇:do well in造句,用do well in怎么造句子(30句)