

1、modernization of the historical personage『5words』

2、Professional personage looked even would vomit.『6words』

3、The official residence of a royal personage.『7words』

4、He was a great and historical personage.『7words』

5、a strange personage appeared at the door.『7words』



6、A notable or well-known person; a personage.『7words』

7、There is no evidence for such a historical personage.『9words』

8、But, such practice still can't let criticize personage satisfaction.『9words』

9、He played the personage of Hamlet in the play.『9words』

10、However, his acceptance is oppugned generally by personage of Wall Street finance.『12words』



11、Then Foxy Davis had seemed a debonair remotely superior, and glamorous personage.『12words』

12、That florid sociable personage became more interesting to him since he had seen Rosemond.『14words』

13、Sp manufacturer personage thinks, affect the biggest application that should be suspensive new business, change.『15words』

14、The occupation personage can also do for the purpose of its study more detailed of analysis.『16words』

15、Taking Guo Jing a novel personage as an example, it studies the Confucianism culture embodying on him.『17words』

16、This is the coffee shift that people says normally, already downy sedate , get of all circles personage love.『19words』

17、But the personage inside online advertising thinks, the relation of Armstrong and Colman resembles " oil and water ".『19words』

18、Tom: In China, a man who didn't have a child especially when he was a personage was very rare.『19words』

19、Should take seek advice from relevant estate law Wu adviser is professional perhaps lawyer, or the personage inside the industry.『20words』

20、Fromm was an important representative personage of West Marxism. His book,"Escape from Freedom" has a great influence on the world.『20words』



21、Or contemporary great personage because of had by it greatness, influence and control other thought and will of people in history.『21words』

22、The personage inside course of study thinks, because the thermal power enterprise loss-making, denitration market or are not expected so optimistic.『21words』

23、Liu Guo Mang still explained in detail the concrete flow that the disable and sick personage application agency protects a bounty in detail.『23words』

24、Luxuriant - from English steel and art, is dedicated to provide modern global fashionable personage, contracted, fashionable and halfback and surprise household arts.『23words』

25、Even more coherence and inevitability is to be seen in the life of Alexander I., the personage who stood at the head of the counter-movement from east westward.『28words』

26、Mr. Wilson, not a little astonished at this outbreak- for he was a grandfatherly sort of personage, and usually a vast favourite with children- essayed, however, to proceed with the examination.『31words』

27、Mr. Wilson, not a little astonished at this outbreak -- for he was a grandfatherly sort of personage, and usually a vast favorite with children -- essayed, however, to proceed with the examination.『33words』

28、“A squirrel, from the lofty depths of his domestic tree, chattered either in anger or merriment- for a squirrel is such a choleric and humorous little personage, that it is hard to distinguish between his moods"『36words』

29、In other cases, an official personage, the head of the tribe or the gens, cacique, shaman, priest, prince or whatever he may be called, represents the community and exercises the right of the first night with the bride.『38words』

30、The buccaneer on the wave might relinquish his calling, and become at once, if he chose, a man of probity and piety on land; nor, even in the full career of his reckless life, was he regarded as a personage with whom it was disreputable to traffic, or casually associate.『50words』

