

1、Thames erode ships be silent.『5words』

2、To erode or be eroded by abrasion.『7words』

3、To gnaw or wear away ; erode.『7words』

4、In fact, you begin to erode all freedom.『8words』

5、Without living reefs, these islands could rapidly erode.『8words』



6、A stringent regulatory environment ought to erode profits.『8words』

7、These kinds of thought patterns tend to erode self-esteem.『9words』

8、America's policy shift will inevitably erode the western liberal axis.『10words』

9、Don't let your credibility and people's trust erode by retrofitting rules.『11words』

10、Anshan basin is low mountains middle erode area, the soil eroded very serious.『13words』



11、Thirdly, confusion and suspicion which create disunity,will erode the competitiveness of the organisation.『13words』

12、As this special report has argued, workers' skills may erode if long-term unemployment rises.『14words』

13、A husband and wife can sense the trust erode, and feel their hearts growing colder.『15words』

14、How does it come about now that the Alps erode at the same speed that they rise?『17words』

15、A business owner or CEO who constantly makes fun of himself will erode confidence in his abilities.『17words』

16、The idea of disappointment penetrated into his mind of controlling thought and began to erode his strong beliefs.『18words』

17、France believes putting NATO in charge will erode Arab support because of us' unpopularity in the Arab world.『18words』

18、Then over many more years, the Phosphorus-rich rocks of the new land begin to erode and the cycle continues.『19words』

19、These arithmetics are applied to recognise information of erode features in coating material and compute erode feature parameter of coating material.『21words』

20、It sounds like a fantastic story to hear that some countries have facilities for cremating garbage or use chemicals to erode garbage invisible.『23words』



21、As citizens of advanced but vulnerable economies, we must either relentlessly increase the quality of our skills or see our standard of living erode.『24words』

22、By monitoring, the erode mechanism, speed and position of stem in working procedure has been known and measures and direction to control erode has been suggested.『26words』

23、The physical effects of long term stress include colds, ulcers, asthma, heart attack, stroke,and chronic fatigue--all ailments that can erode your health and your love life.『26words』

24、Then the enhance performance of the aluminum powder resistance to erode and to high temperature which have made by dealing the aluminum pigment with high temperature.『26words』

25、Due to the lack of job-related and government pension funding the end result will be that China's savings, upon which her wealth has been built, will erode.『27words』

26、A 'divorce calculator' to work out the cost of splitting up has been put online by the government leading to fears it will further erode the institution of marriage.『29words』

27、The central state, though often very rich and very populous, was intrinsically fragile, since the development of new international trade routes could undermine the monetary base and erode state power.『30words』

28、Similarly, the Coca-Cola bottle-- the most famous bottle in the world and the classic piece of modern package design-- now symbolises the power of 20th century Western civilisation to penetrate and erode other cultures.『34words』

29、The reason why we waste our lives and seek happiness from far and near is that we fail to hold the berm of our soul and let the self-destructive moths and meteors erode our eyes.『35words』

30、It also discusses the major reasons behind China's capital flight and by which means the capital flight from China, we find capital flight in China even erode it's economy base and becomes a threat to China's financial stability.『38words』


上一篇:reach out造句,用reach out怎么造句子(30句)